Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Please help us to realise our dream to release a 3rd album after very long and really hard times. We´re are you???

Dear Aeverians! It´s been too long... Now it´s time.Time to release our MASTERPIECE: Album No.3! Please help us realising this next step for AEVERIUM! After very hard time due to the pandemic and some changes regarding our line up, we are hyped to tell you that we have plenty of new tunes for you...waiting to release! These tunes are way too good for not beeing released... We are definetly sure: This is going to be OUR MASTERPIECE!!! Lets do this Aeverians!!!
04.03.24 - 30.06.24
Target 1st half of 2024
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 8.500 €

To produce the best AEVERIUM album in its entirety.

You will help us realize our dream to produce a 3rd album for all Aeverium Fans.

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Worum geht es in dem Projekt?

Through this crowdfunding we would like to finance the entire production of our new album including promotion and concerts

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe?

Fans, friends, supporters and music lovers all around the world can help us out to realize our dream of our 3rd masterpiece to release!

Warum sollte jemand dieses Projekt unterstützen?

We will realize our dream to record a masterpiece 3rd album to entertain our long waiting fans after the corona crisis

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?

All proceeds will go completely and without exception into the production and promotion of the new album.

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

Harvest time is here.

A beast has awakened. And it was high time for it to do so: Gothic Metal is stagnating; one half of the genre has gone soft, the other half desperately tries to convince us that it is still 1995. But is this reason enough to declare this genre dead? No way! Aeverium must have thought the same – and removed all the dust that has cumulated on this music. They cleansed this genre of its cliché-laden insignia, its pseudo-romantic pathos and its so-called rules. A new power is rising – and we are the witness when Aeverium is bringing in its harvest.

A lot of things are bound to happen this year. Bands will form, bands will disband, records will be relased, records will be forgotten. Who indeed is still game with this boring routine? With Aeverium a modern metal band enters the scene, wanting more, a project keen to show its prowess and in the same breath take the world by storm. Six musicians who finally found together in 2013 after a long and tiresome seach to release their common dream of a real band. Six individuals far from being greenhorns and destined to survive this rat race of bands.

„What urges us on is living out our creativity, the desire of taking part in a creative process and, obviously, our love for music“, says frontman Marcel Römer. And his band lives up to this: This is not the place for hasty decisions, this is not the group aiming for fame at whatever cost. Aeverium have been lurking in the shadows for quite some time now. Now, they leave their lair as the hardened, self-confident and teeth-barring Metal beast they are. „We know how this industry works and how difficult it is to stick out“, comments Marcel.

The band has already proven they are very well capable of doing so, with their release of the „The Harvest“ EP in 2014. Their approach to Modern Goth Metal is far from the ordinary „beauty and the beast“ rip-offs and happens to be a strong, mystic, aggressive and exquisitely produced mixture of Gothic epicness, smothering power and a modern edge reminiscent of Evanescence, KoRn or HIM. Rock, Metal and the dark side of Alternative, united under a catching atmosphere, notably silencing those who think in stereotypes Marcel: „The music is created just the way we feel like at the moment: no faking, no compromises, 100 percent human, 100 percent musician, 100 percent Aeverium.“

This pays off already: Scene mags like Orkus! and Sonic Seducer Already discovered the troupe that effortlessly reached the finals of the M'Era Luna newcomer contest. Still, this is just the beginning for Aeverium. The goal: Gigs, gigs, gigs – and a debut longplayer. „We want to rock the stages of this world, leaving them drenched in sweat and with smiling faces on both sides“, Marcel nods. No matter if it's the biggest festival stage or a small club venue. As long as they can play live, Aeverium are happy. „We want to get heard by the people. We most definitely are a live band like there is no other and being on stage is like to live like a bee in clover“, Marcel grins. Judging by the sheer mass of optimistic ambition, it will not be long until Aeverium have become a household name on the schedules of festivals and tours. However, they will take the time necessary to reach this. This has already took them far in the last twelve months and will undoubtedly carry them much further still.
In October 2014 they signed a record deal with „Out Of Line” (Blutengel, Staubkind, The BirthdayMassacre, Heimataerde a.s.o.).

2015 marks the release of their very first album „Break Out“ and also touring many places and festivals. They´ve toured as the main support for XANDRIA´s „Sacrificium“ Tour and also did many festival highlights, like the Castle Rock Festival in Germany.

In 2016 AEVERIUM played shows all over europe with Acts like Moonspell and Kamelot.
With Kamelot they did a big european tour where Aeva Maurelle joined Kamelot as  their official guestsinger.
Followed by famous festivals like the M'era Luna, Eier Mit Speck and Summer Breeze AEVERIUM entered the studio to prepare their 2nd Album "Time".
Right before the release they went on tour with dutch symphonic stars DELAIN.
After the release of "Time" AEVERIUM, which is definetly more into Alternative Metal, went on ger/aut-tour with their label compadres LORD OF THE LOST. They will play great festivals in 2017 like Castle Rock, Dong Open Air and for the very first time the big Wacken Open Air.

In autumn/winter the band went on european tour with LACUNA COIL and CELLAR DARLING.

2018 they started at the WACKEN WINTER NIGHTS and of course the legendary WAVE GOTIK TREFFEN in Leipzig, wich went fabulous for the guys.
In Juli they played at Rockharz Open Air
In the time of summer 2018 the band split with singer Aeva.
With a new female singer Vanessa K. on board they´ve toured in november 2018 with their friends in LACRIMAS PROFUNDERE.
Bandicon Michael Karius quit in 2020 the position as a live guitarist. He will continue working on new songs in the background.
With Maarten Jung from the netherlands the band found a student from the Metal Factory in Eindhoven with a little help from netherlands top metal stars Within Temptation.

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Was heißt das?
Marcel Römer
Klosterstrasse 65
41379 Brüggen Deutschland

28.04.24 - Liebe Unterstützer:innen, von ganzem Herzen...

Liebe Unterstützer:innen,
von ganzem Herzen DANKE für Euren bisherigen unglaublichen Support!
Es fehlt uns nur noch ein kleiner Schubs, um unser Ziel für das 3. Album zu erreichen.
Daher noch eine kleine zusätzliche Bitte: Gebt uns Noch Etwas Mehr Zeit!
Wir werden den Kampagnen-Zeitraum verlängern um unser gestecktes Ziel erreichen zu können und dies ohne Abstriche irgendwo machen zu müssen! Wir sind überzeugt, etwas Tolles zu erschaffen und glauben fest daran!
Danke und bis bald

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