Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010
AIRLORDS OF AIRIA ist ein rasanter Mix aus Science Fiction-, Fantasy- und Steampunk-Elementen. In einer alternativen Realität haben sich die Menschen, ihre Welt und ihre Technologien in eine andere Richtung entwickelt. Diese Welt ist an die Utopien des 19.Jahrhunderts angelehnt, eine Vorstellung über die Zukunft wie sie auch H.G. Wells und Jules Verne aus der Sicht ihrer Zeit gehabt haben könnten.
20.08.12 - 28.10.12
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
10.000 €
Film / Video
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The Airlords-Facebook-group is now open

Dirk Müller
Dirk Müller2 min Lesezeit

Dear Airlords-Supporter!
The Facebook-group “Airlords Of Airia – Brainbox is now open. After finishing our first crowdfunding campaign successfully (thanks for your help) we want to invite our “supporters of the first hour” to participate during the further course of the project. In this exclusive group you have the opportunity of submitting and exchanging your ideas, making suggestions and getting the newest information about the development. We don`t begin with concret plans for the feature film before March 2013, because at the moment we are working full capacity to finish the short movie. Until then you have the opportunity to introduce yourself, meet each other and find a theme. Later we build subgroups for themes like artwork, costume design, storyline etc.
Please keep this group closed. The information changed and developed in this group is considered as confidential and treated discreetly. External facebook user can only be invited in agreement with the administrator (Graf Karak). We cannot promise that every idea we have worked out could be realized later. The formation of a feature film project is very complicated and dependent on many factors. Please be aware Airlords Of Airia is still a no-budget film. We are trying our best to appreciate your ideas used in the film project. Through collaboration results no financial claims for participants of this facebook group, insofar that nothing else has been contractually agreed. With your participation in this facebook group you declare your consent with the terms and conditions mentioned described.
If you want to join the FB-group, please send a friendship request to the administrator “Graf Karak” ( Admitted are all startnext-supporters from 15€ upwards.
The A.O.A.-Brainbox-Group consists of a mix of nationalities. Because of the overwhelming majority of German-speaking member we cannot demand to use English in all conversations. To make sure that everybody will be involved we post an English summary of our brain outpourings once a week.
We wish you a lot of fun and looking forward a fruitful cooperation.
The airlords-team



Dirk Müller
Dirk Müller2 min Lesezeit
Airlords of Airia
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