Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Solo artist, album #2, needs some help to record for you. Not asking for charity, ready to give back - and with every pledge you'll get a free track!

After successfully crowdfunding my first solo album "Unspoken" in 2016, I am now looking for your help again in order to finance my second album, due for recording in February 2018 and release in June 2018. The response to "Unspoken" was amazing, and I believe in the songs for the new album just as much - let's make this happen together!
01.11.17 - 24.12.17
February-Juni 2018
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 6.000 €

The basic funding target covers the studio rent, engineering, mixing and mastering of the album.

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Worum geht es in dem Projekt?

"Unspoken" was the album about love and relationships. It was where a number of songs I had waiting formed a story that had to be told. This album is different. I realised how much I still have to say about so many things. There are songs in the album dealing with, among other things, fatherhood, war, refugees, animal rights, helicopter parents, justice, selfishness, and, of course, one or two love songs :-)

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe?

This is aimed at anyone who likes my music, as well as anyone who is willing to take a chance on a new artist. Anyone who has had kids and felt that fear that they will never be able to be the perfect parents but at the same time are so excited to see these kids grow. Anyone who has experienced injustice or feels sad when they see how people and animals get treated throughout the world. Anyone who has felt impatience, fear, regret. Anyone who has pushed someone away and couldn't explain why. Anyone who has had to deal with people who only take. And, yes, anyone who has loved until it hurt.

Warum sollte jemand dieses Projekt unterstützen?

If you know me and my music, you know that I will give everything in order to deliver a wonderful album for you that you will want to keep listening to. If when listening to "Unspoken", you enjoyed the music but were waiting for something beyond the love songs, something with the same depth but about other things in life: here it is. This is that album. And I hope you'll help me make it possible to share it with you.

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?

The first goal of 6000€ will finance the album recordings, including studio rent, engineering, mixing and mastering.

The stretch goal of 9000€ will also finance the album production, including artwork and pressworks, as well as payment of the musicians working on the album (excluding me, of course!). I have top-calibre musicians contributing their talents to the album. Many of them do this as their main source of income, and I believe that this should be recognised appropriately.

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

Me. Just me.

Andy Jones Promo Team


23.11.17 - Wow! Halfway there! :-) That's amazing -...

Wow! Halfway there! :-) That's amazing - thank you to everyone who has contributed so far! We have just over four weeks to get the rest of the funds together so that the album can happen. Could I ask you to keep sharing the campaign and telling anyone you think might be interested? Thanks so much for your help :-)

12.11.17 - A quarter of the way there! We've passed the...

A quarter of the way there! We've passed the 25% mark and are heading towards a third of the target! When that happens, I will upload a video of me playing a cover that you've never heard me play before :-) For now, here is a song from the new album: Camouflage!

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