Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010
Ein kollaboratives Projekt für ein öffentliches Baumhaus in Berlin Das Baumhaus ist ein Projekt von Nachbarn, lokalen und internationalen Künstlern, Designern, Kreativen und vielen anderen aktiven Leuten. Wir haben uns alle gefragt: "Was kann ich tun, um die Welt zu verbessern?". Unsere Antwort ist, gemeinsam einen Raum zu bauen. Einen Ort, der Leute inspiriert sich zu treffen, miteinander zu kommunizieren und Teil der wachsenden Kultur des Engagements und der Kooperation zu werden...
19.09.12 - 14.12.12
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
11.000 €
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Celebrating A Self Fulfilling Prophesy :: 21.12

Karen Wohlert
Karen Wohlert2 min Lesezeit

Celebrating A Self Fulfilling Prophesy :: 21.12
Gerichtstr. 23 VH 3.OG

We made it...! 11.004€ of our 11.000€ goal to start funding the Baumhaus project! Our deepest gratitude and thanks go out to everyone who helped us achieve this important first goal. Now it's time to celebrate and continue on to the next adventure...!

In that very spirit, on Friday 21.12.12 we will celebrate the end of one era and the beginning of a new one. An era not defined through some mystic destiny predicted by the Mayans or an invisible planet or the alignment of the stars or the shifting of the magnetic poles.

Together, we will celebrate the beginning of an era that we can help create with common sense, communication and thoughtful reflection. So bring some drinks, snacks and good ideas to share.

Here's what to expect on Friday:

20.00 :: doors open and reception

20.45 :: Social Innovation Salon 1 "contextualizing human needs" - Scott Bolden will re-introduce his Universal Humane Needs Assessment project with the goal of inspiring some thoughtful feedback and collaboration.

22.30 :: Party!

All Night :: Crowd-Gardening - We have gathered 364 plants, one for each 'like' we received on our facebook page, and we are going to give some of them to you to keep and some to take care of and return when the Baumhaus is finished in 2013. Please bring something to take some plants home in (plastic bags are best because the plants have open roots in water)

Thanks again to everyone! We look forward to seeing you Friday if you can make it.

p.s. We will begin sending out prizes soon!



Karen Wohlert
Karen Wohlert1 min Lesezeit

15.08.14 - Saturday 16.08. will be an Emergent day in...

Saturday 16.08. will be an Emergent day in Berlin! Download full info here and share. Looking forward to meeting lots of Emergent Berliners in the "Open Greeting Zones" / "offene Grüßzonen"....

Emergent Berlin Booklet download link (full info on presenters and workshops)

Emergent Berlin Program Schedule and Map download link

09.11.12 - Startnext has reduced our overall project...

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21.09.12 - Türkçe versiyonunu:...

Türkçe versiyonunu:

Building das Baumhaus
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