Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010
Ein kollaboratives Projekt für ein öffentliches Baumhaus in Berlin Das Baumhaus ist ein Projekt von Nachbarn, lokalen und internationalen Künstlern, Designern, Kreativen und vielen anderen aktiven Leuten. Wir haben uns alle gefragt: "Was kann ich tun, um die Welt zu verbessern?". Unsere Antwort ist, gemeinsam einen Raum zu bauen. Einen Ort, der Leute inspiriert sich zu treffen, miteinander zu kommunizieren und Teil der wachsenden Kultur des Engagements und der Kooperation zu werden...
19.09.12 - 14.12.12
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
11.000 €
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Karen Wohlert
Karen Wohlert3 min Lesezeit

(Beitrag auf deutsch)

Dear Baumhaus Supporters,

Since our first crowd-funding in 2012, you made it possible for us to continue making the Baumhaus a reality. We were able to survive long enough to get an 80,000€ credit to mostly finance the building of the space; for this we will be forever grateful. We are now on track to open the space for legal use on September 24, 2016; just 7 weeks from now!

But now we need your help again to realise this project or there is a good chance that we will not make it and the Baumhaus project COULD BE EFFECTIVELY OVER unless there is another miracle out there waiting to happen...

If you have something else to contribute to our crowd funding until August 9 that would be great. If not, we understand and maybe you can ask your friends to help out. We also need volunteers to help build until September 20 (See below for details)

During the last 4 years, over 300 people built the project together with more than 15000 hours of volunteering, legal planning and gathering 92,000€ worth of financing. We have even built and unbuilt the prototype of the Baumhaus atrium to get checked and approved by a statics engineer and the Bauamt so we can build that into the legal space in early 2017. Now is the last step where we need support from the community to actually, finally make it happen. It would be a real shame to lose all this effort, time, money and energy.

What you can do NOW...

Make another donation or ask the people you know to donate in any amount to our crowd-funding campaign before the end of the day Tuesday August 9 to our most recent campaign.

If we can get a total of 15,000€ until August 9 then we get the money and can continue financing the project so that we can open September 24. With over 11,000€ to it may seem like an impossible task but it's not too late!

Consider this quest as a metaphore similar to dealing with global warming, we have very little time to solve this problem and we need to get as many people as possible to contribute to the cause.

Your contribution is a concrete step in making a better world a reality by providing a space to connect, engage, empower, inspire, activate and give visibility to the idea of collaboration across cultural, social, economic and other boundaries.

What you can do DURING THE NEXT 7 WEEKS...

Volunteer to help paint, build installations, make lighting installations, do finishing work with wood, work on mosaics, help make clay walls, cook for volunteers, take photos and videos of the process, help develop the event programming for the first month of our opening plus a bunch of other stuff.
We work everyday form 10 in the morning until 7 in the evening. Go to this page, pick a week to help and sign up:
(more dates will be available in September soon)

Scott, Karen & the entire Baumhaus Team



Karen Wohlert
Karen Wohlert1 min Lesezeit

15.08.14 - Saturday 16.08. will be an Emergent day in...

Saturday 16.08. will be an Emergent day in Berlin! Download full info here and share. Looking forward to meeting lots of Emergent Berliners in the "Open Greeting Zones" / "offene Grüßzonen"....

Emergent Berlin Booklet download link (full info on presenters and workshops)

Emergent Berlin Program Schedule and Map download link

09.11.12 - Startnext has reduced our overall project...

Startnext has reduced our overall project goal from 33,333€ to 11,000€ to reflect the estimated 22,300€ value of the Isaac Abrams 4m x 2m glass installation he did while he was here.

21.09.12 - Türkçe versiyonunu:...

Türkçe versiyonunu:

Building das Baumhaus
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