Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010
Ein kollaboratives Projekt für ein öffentliches Baumhaus in Berlin Das Baumhaus ist ein Projekt von Nachbarn, lokalen und internationalen Künstlern, Designern, Kreativen und vielen anderen aktiven Leuten. Wir haben uns alle gefragt: "Was kann ich tun, um die Welt zu verbessern?". Unsere Antwort ist, gemeinsam einen Raum zu bauen. Einen Ort, der Leute inspiriert sich zu treffen, miteinander zu kommunizieren und Teil der wachsenden Kultur des Engagements und der Kooperation zu werden...
19.09.12 - 14.12.12
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
11.000 €
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Our time has been extended until 14.12.12!

Karen Wohlert
Karen Wohlert3 min Lesezeit

Dear Supporters, Fans, Friends, Family and Collaborative Partners,

First, we would like to thank you all again for believing in and supporting our Baumhaus project. Our goal to build a meeting space for people who want to make the world a better place is a valuable and achievable goal. We are grateful to have our funding deadline extended to December 14. The team at startnext thinks our project is worth an extended time period and we hope you agree.

For the past 2 months, we have focussed on 2 goals:

1) Explaining the Baumhaus Project, it's goals and objectives to a broad audience through various media
2) Actually achieving some of those goals and objectives with people in real life

We thought that it was really important for us to not just talk about our ideas for the future but to actually start making them happen right now and document them. In just the past 21 days we have:

• brought people together to discuss a strategy for building a real space and answer tough criticisms, concerns and doubts. []
• produced an event with a high profile panel and engaged audience who worked together to identify some very good ideas, issues and questions we can start to focus our efforts on to make Berlin a better place. []
• illustrated on live tv how creativity and thoughtful reflection can be used to create a socially sustainable good vibe and have fun while doing it.[]
• have created an actual Master artwork with a conservatively estimated value of 22,300€ {]
+ more

The earliest parts of this process had to be centered here locally in Berlin which took quite some time and effort. By the time our U.S. campaign launched, hurricane Sandy pretty much destroyed our funding possibilities along with the whole east coast and our home base in New York City. There's not much we could do about that and we wish all our friends and supporters the best in their recovery.

Moving forward

Now that we have a healthy portfolio of documentation showing that our ideas can actually work, we are going to focus on simplifying our message and approaching more potential individual supporters. We hope that you take some time to review our documentation and use it to extend your support for the Baumhaus project to your close network of people.

We look forward sharing another special occasion with you when we have our unveiling ceremony of Isaac Abrams glass installation on Sunday, November 18.... event details coming soon.

Karen and Scott



Karen Wohlert
Karen Wohlert1 min Lesezeit

15.08.14 - Saturday 16.08. will be an Emergent day in...

Saturday 16.08. will be an Emergent day in Berlin! Download full info here and share. Looking forward to meeting lots of Emergent Berliners in the "Open Greeting Zones" / "offene Grüßzonen"....

Emergent Berlin Booklet download link (full info on presenters and workshops)

Emergent Berlin Program Schedule and Map download link

09.11.12 - Startnext has reduced our overall project...

Startnext has reduced our overall project goal from 33,333€ to 11,000€ to reflect the estimated 22,300€ value of the Isaac Abrams 4m x 2m glass installation he did while he was here.

21.09.12 - Türkçe versiyonunu:...

Türkçe versiyonunu:

Building das Baumhaus
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