Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010
Ein kollaboratives Projekt für ein öffentliches Baumhaus in Berlin Das Baumhaus ist ein Projekt von Nachbarn, lokalen und internationalen Künstlern, Designern, Kreativen und vielen anderen aktiven Leuten. Wir haben uns alle gefragt: "Was kann ich tun, um die Welt zu verbessern?". Unsere Antwort ist, gemeinsam einen Raum zu bauen. Einen Ort, der Leute inspiriert sich zu treffen, miteinander zu kommunizieren und Teil der wachsenden Kultur des Engagements und der Kooperation zu werden...
19.09.12 - 14.12.12
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
11.000 €
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Revealing Our Strategy :: A feedback Session :: 6.12.13 um 17h

Karen Wohlert
Karen Wohlert2 min Lesezeit

On this evening we will entertain ourselves with the following question:

"How do we plan to actually 'make our world a better place' and what is our practical strategy to do so?"

We will reveal our basic strategy for how we intend to create real social change locally. We would like to have an interactive event and get feedback and ideas from you as well as have a good time celebrating our successes so far.

Location: Gerichtstr. 23 VH 3.OG li Tel: 030 290 43730


19 - 20h, Welcoming Hour
Come in, snack, drink, chill, meet other active and interesting folks

20 - 21h, Revealing our basic strategy [Awareness, Empathy, Action]

• Scott and Karen will briefly describe the basic strategy in both english and german with using simultaneous translation if needed. + Q & A

• For feedback we will have a "design thinking light" moderated ideation session Pt 1 using thought provoking questions and post-it notes for the answers.

• Together we will organize your feedback into different working groups.

21 - 21:20, Chill Out Break

21:20 - 22h, Group Ideation Session Pt 2

• Work together in groups to develop some specific ideas to implement

• Short 3 minute presentations of our ideas

22:30 Celebration Soiree

• check out what we have accomplished lately:

* Please bring drinks, snacks, food and candles to share

** We can also go down to the Baumhaus construction site during the evening to see how things are going.

*** sign up to help out with the clean up effort! It's easy, just check the times and days you want to come by and then come by:
this week:
next week:

Your Baumhaus Team



Karen Wohlert
Karen Wohlert1 min Lesezeit

15.08.14 - Saturday 16.08. will be an Emergent day in...

Saturday 16.08. will be an Emergent day in Berlin! Download full info here and share. Looking forward to meeting lots of Emergent Berliners in the "Open Greeting Zones" / "offene Grüßzonen"....

Emergent Berlin Booklet download link (full info on presenters and workshops)

Emergent Berlin Program Schedule and Map download link

09.11.12 - Startnext has reduced our overall project...

Startnext has reduced our overall project goal from 33,333€ to 11,000€ to reflect the estimated 22,300€ value of the Isaac Abrams 4m x 2m glass installation he did while he was here.

21.09.12 - Türkçe versiyonunu:...

Türkçe versiyonunu:

Building das Baumhaus
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