The best Baumhaus project explanation videos are online NOW....
We did our best and most complete job of explaining the Baumhaus project from the overall concept to our personal motivations and practical strategies for making this a successful collaborative project. This talk took place at Savvy Contemporary on 18.10.12 and features Scott Bolden (me), Karen Wohlert and Isaac Abrams. The audience asked some pretty critical and tough questions and we did our best to answer them all; everyone seemed satisfied with the answers... Thanks to Ariane Rutz for organizing and moderating the event.
We invite you to take a look and send us your feedback, questions or concerns and we will do our best to answer you. This is an important project and we want to make sure that as many people as possible give us feedback as we enter our last week of collecting contributions on our crowd funding campaign ending on 11/11.
Here is the link to all 3 videos on our blog:
or you can view them on youtube:
part 1 -
part 2 -
part 3 -