Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

eine Plattform für Weltverbesserer*innen in Berlin

Für eine bessere Welt müssen wir alle zusammenarbeiten. Und dafür brauchen wir Orte, wo wir uns treffen, insprieren und einander unterstützen können. Wir arbeiten schon eine Weile daran, das in unserer Nachbarschaft zu leben... und jetzt bauen wir endlich "Das Baumhaus". Mit eurer Unterstützung schaffen wir eine lokale Plattform für Nachhaltigkeit für uns alle in Berlin!
11.05.16 - 09.08.16
July-Aug 2016 + Jan-Feb 2017
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
15.000 €
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Baumhaus "Soft Opening" Weekend :: Emergent Berlin 2016

Karen Wohlert
Karen Wohlert2 min Lesezeit

A full weekend of an "Emerging Baumhaus" in Berlin... :: Barcamp and Party

Thanks to all of you wonderful supporters!

It can hardly get any more special for us than this weekend; a chance to introduce the Baumhaus, grow our collective networks and figure out how we can collaboratively use the space! This weekend during the days will be bar camp style, where we will introduce ourselves and ideas to each other and have working sessions to start realising our ideas:

We would also like to invite you to celebrate with us at our party at Panke e.V. on Saturday night. We have an exceptionally groovy line-up of Djs headlined by a true legend... Dr Alex Paterson (The Orb) will use 3 turntables to paint a glorious canvas of mind, spirit and body connection so strong that you may be inspired to cry tears of joy while dancing your ass off. Support from some of our other favourite "groovy-ass" Dj's from Weboogie, Wedding Soul and more... As if this were not enough, multi instrumentalist Philipp Von Rothkirch will improv live with the crew while being dubbed out by Dj Skizum:

Best of all, Every event space day and night will be "Open Greeting Zones" where you can meet many interesting people...

Karen, Scott and the entire Baumhaus Team

p.s. the crowd funding rewards will be coming soon, we just got the money from startnext yesterday Thursday, September 22!

C. Scott Bolden & Karen Wohlert, Das Baumhaus GbR
Gerichtstr. 23
13347 Berlin Deutschland

Umsatzsteueridentifikationsnummer: DE288173187

Das Baumhaus
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