Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

„Before I die“ ist eine Performance-installation mit Tanz, Visuals und Musik, die am 21., 22. und 23. Juli im Stadthaus Ulm aufgeführt werden wird.

Before I die is a multidisciplinary performance that will take place in the Stadthaus of Ulm city in July. Dancers, sound and visual artists and refugees from different parts of the world will take part on this event. We are just about to completed our first phase where different workshops are being done to dive into the refugees stories and experiences. Now we are already in the rehearsing phase and arranging all the details for our performance in July.
17.05.16 - 04.07.16
21, 22, 23 July
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
3.800 €
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We believe in crowdfunding and man kind

Cecilia Espejo
Cecilia Espejo2 min Lesezeit

On January we started a ‪#‎crowdfunding‬ campaign to raise money for our workshops. It was impressive how many people supported!

Now it is the music, visuals and Stadthaus rental that we are asking funding for...

We were not that lucky with public funding, having raised only some funding from Stadt Ulm and International Stadt Ulm and we just need to save a little bit more (only 3.800 Euro).

Andreas Usenbenz is making the sound design. He is creating a special piece from some sounds from drum and voice workshops. His music is a unique experience with abstract sounds, syrien touches, background melodies and the cloud of voices recorded in ISU too.

Andreas Hauslaib is making the visual design of the performance where he will take some input from the workshops we made in Vh and ISU. He will create imaginary worlds that have reflections of reality and desired dreams. He will end up the performance with a projection on the Munsterplatz of Ulm city center.

The Stadthaus lowered their rental to the minimum but there are many resources that they will offer and need to cover minimum costs.

If you believe in our project and believe in #crowdfunding as a ‪#‎social‬ and‪#‎culture‬ changemaker, here is your call.

Thank you in advance...

Moving Rhizomes
cecilia espejo
Insel, 5
89231 Neu Ulm Germany
BEFORE I DIE Multidisciplinary Performance
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