Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010
Als unabhängiger Kunstpreis wurde der Berlin Art Prize 2013 von vier Berliner Kulturschaffenden ins Leben gerufen. Nach einem erfolgreichen Debüt, soll die Auszeichnung nun jährlich verliehen werden. Die Juroren wählen aus etwa 1000 eingesandten, anonymen Bewerbungen, unabhängig von Werdegang und Empfehlungen 30 Kunstwerke, die in der Ausstellung und dem Katalog präsentiert werden. Die daraus gekürten 3 Gewinner dürfen sich über Preisgeld, eine Trophäe und eine Residency in Tiflis freuen.
09.04.14 - 31.05.14
jetzt - Juli 2014
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
6.000 €
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5 Reasons to Support the Berlin Art Prize

Alicia Reuter
Alicia Reuter2 min Lesezeit

Our StartNext campaign only has 5 days left, so… for all the fans who have not yet become supporters – 5 reasons to support the Berlin Art Prize on StartNext:

(You can help us by posting, forwarding, tweeting, this message!)

5) So that we’ll stop asking you to support the Berlin Art Prize on StartNext.

4) Asking for donations now keeps the awards ceremony and all events, including a workshop on how to create a portfolio, write an artists statement, and successfully apply for funding, free and open to the public.

3) How many chances do you have to see DJ Cosima von Bonin?

2) We worked through the weekend to finish catalog production and it is AMAZING! Texts by Rene Pollesch, Eva Wilson, Kimberly Bradley, and Felicia Zeller – and you can pre-order the catalog on StartNext.

1) You believe that supporting the arts scene as a community creates more opportunities for all of us.

And a bonus: Because we are so very grateful for every donation, regardless of the amount. (Really, thank you!)

– Alicia and the Berlin Art Prize Team

P.S. We spent the weekend working around the clock (that's only a slight exaggeration) on the catalog, and thanks to the tireless team at HelloMe, it looks incredible. We're genuinely proud of how our team, the writers, and the graphic designers, rallied to produce a gorgeous documentation of thoughts, reflections, and the work being produced at this moment in Berlin.


31.05.14 - We've met our goal hours ahead of our...

We've met our goal hours ahead of our deadline! Thank you so much for your support, we looking forward to welcoming everyone to the exhibition and opening!

Opening June 14, 2014
Kühlhaus Berlin
Luckenwalderstr 3

Award Ceremony 8:30pm

Exhibition runs through June 28 2014

Check our website for a soon to be posted schedule of performances and events:


Alicia & the Berlin Art Prize Team

13.05.14 - Yesterday we raised 500 Euros! If we keep up...

Yesterday we raised 500 Euros! If we keep up this pace we'll reach our goal before the deadline. Thank you all so much for your generous donations.

– Your Berlin Art Prize Team

08.05.14 - Thank you to everyone who has supported us so...

Thank you to everyone who has supported us so far! We still have some way to go, help us spread the word by posting a link on Facebook or Twitter!

Berlin Art Prize 2014
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