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Fix up mobility needs of students on campus, providing them new bicycle at $0 cost. They only collect 84Kg of plastic litter (PET) on campus in return

Poor transport and waste management systems signals non visionary urban planning process, and it is common problem in developing economies like Nigeria. Unfortunately, university campuses in Nigeria which often hosts more than 20,000 residents have similar issues. No more hassle on campuses! Our solution guarantees plastic trash free campuses and students can go everywhere at no extra cost. They can now own new bike at $0 cost. Students only collect 84Kg of Plastic litter on campus in return
02.05.23 - 31.05.23
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 3.600 €

To finance project implementation at pilot campus. Procure 20 new bicycles at the rate of 250 EUR per bike and candidate selection, as well as operation cost

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Primäres Nachhaltigkeitsziel

Worum geht es in dem Projekt?

Poor transport and waste management systems are signals of non visionary urban planning process, common with developing economies like Nigeria. This problems have become more prominent in Nigeria as the world witness rapid urbanizations. Headache of commuters is undesirable, just as the alarming death rate from communicable diseases still persist, owing to unstructured management of household solid waste; mainly plastic. The unfortunate reality is that University campuses in Nigeria which hosts more than 20,000 residents, now mirrors inadequacies of the larger society.
No more hassle on campuses! TIAB Cycle Limited is championing a bicycle revolution that guarantees plastic trash free campuses and enable students students to go everywhere at no extra cost. They can now pay for new bicycles by simply collect 84Kg of Plastic litter on campus.
on university campuses in to address the shortfalls in both transport and waste management systems in Nigeria.
TIAB offer micro credit services for students and lecturer on University Campuses to own bicycles, and through our project, Bike for Plastic Waste

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe?


  • Fix current transportation shortfalls in Nigeria
  • Make cycling so attractive to the extent it accounts for more than 50% of campus commute and about 5% city commute in Nigeria by
  • create opportunity for students to offset bicycle cost in instalments
  • avail 100 students on campus to own bike at ZERO COST ($0.00), offset bike cost collected plastic waste on campus
  • Stir climate action among African youth to significantly cut down individual carbon footprint and improving air quality.
  • End generational culture of inappropriate disposal of solid (mainly plastic waste) --> attributed to almost 50% of malaria incidence in Nigeria by recent research (Nigeria alone account for more than 30% of global Malaria death)
  • Drastically slow down plastic pollution, which has both environmental and health benefit
  • promote circular economy
  • Reduction of steel and aluminium scraps on Nigerian, turning scraps of metals as major feedstock in manufacturing of Bike frames


  • University Students and Staffs
  • Nigerians and Africa
  • Climate

Warum sollte jemand dieses Projekt unterstützen?

  • With your support we can slow down Plastic Pollution in Nigeria, by collecting 84,000Kg of plastic waste in 1 year, which will turn in tremendous environment and health benefit.
  • You will be our partner in ending long standing mobility hardship on University Campuses in Nigeria and eliminating financial difficulties to procure bicycle among University students and Staff.
  • Through our 'Bike For Plastic Waste', you will become instrumental to reduce incidence of Malaria and associated death, because plastic waste litter and other household solid waste was said to be responsible for almost 50% of Malaria cases in Nigeria
  • Abate seasonal flash floods resulting from blockage of waterways and drainages arising from Plastic Waste
  • You will become an advocate to reduce plastic waste in the ocean, because Nigeria emit higher plastic waste into the ocean in year 2021
  • your support will be useful in the achievement of the SDG's and stirring climate action among African youth

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?

We will use the actualised funds judiciously to implement the maiden Bicycle for Plastic Waste on pilot university campus. The implementation will be in three phases. Order minimum of 20 bicycles, followed by selection of beneficiary students and project operation. Finally prepare and execute the transfer of collected plastic waste for recycle

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

Olumide and Damilola Oladoyin confounded TIAB Cycle Limited. TIAB Cycle won a GIZ GmbH keenly contested Business Idea For Development pitch in Frankfurt, Germany. Through GIZ program, TIAB works with consulting partner in Germany, Kompass Frankfurt and is a cohort of Cc-Hub; an innovation management organisation in Nigeria. TIAB Cycle Limited has a group of advisors, Adejoke Aladesanmi Esq and Ifeoluwa Olorunda ACCA, as well as Dr. Ibukun Babarinde. They advise us on Legal, financial and business management.
Currently TIAB has one employee.

Damilola Oladoyin

Welche Nachhaltigkeitsziele verfolgt dieses Projekt?

Primäres Nachhaltigkeitsziel


Warum zahlt das Projekt auf dieses Ziel ein?

The goal of our bike revolution is to make cycling so attractive to the extent it accounts for more than 50% of campus commute and about 5% city commute in Nigeria. The result have direct climate friendly impact; significantly cutting down individual carbon footprint and improving air quality.
In addition, our plastic waste collection program will drastically slow down plastic pollution, which has both environmental and health benefit, as well promote circular economy.

Dieses Projekt zahlt außerdem auf diese Ziele ein

Städte & Gemeinden
TIAB Cycle Limited
Olumide Oladoyin
Bussardstr 6
67373 Dudenhofen Deutschland

29.05.23 - With your support we can kick start the...

With your support we can kick start the project at pilot campus. However, for maximum impact at maden campus and to implement at other campuses, we still require about 25.000 EUR more

Bike Revolution As Medium To End Plastic Waste Menace
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