Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010
We are the BONDEKO band, Conny, Eved & Dany, and we are invited to the WMD Festival in Japan, Hakodate. Our music is deeply dedicated to promote peace & collaboration with all cultures and we are continuing to do so, especially now! We fuel the world with our music and that is where we want your support! We don’t have enough fuel to cover the trip to Japan. Your generosity can make all the difference. By contributing, you're facilitating a powerful exchange of ideas that transcend borders.
08.04.24 - 18.05.24
August 5th - August 11th 2024
Website & Social Media
Finanzierungsziel: 6.140 €
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Worum geht es in dem Projekt?

BONDEKO means friendship, and we, Conny, Eved & Dany, started as a band in 2022 in Dakar. We are very dedicated to play live and make our audience feel the friendship we share among us. Our band is sprouting of ideas and we play in the local scene in Dakar and all around in Senegal with our own compositions, songs, acts and performances. By now we can be proud of a growing listening community that loves our music. As professional musicians we are dedicated to bring this band to a level in which everybody can enjoy our songs via streaming and other channels. We elaborate our songs within the scene and we record in local studios. To help Bondeko in their international breakthrough, this opportunity to go to Japan would help us enormously in that matter.
We could reach out in Asia and make that big step to a broader audience that can benefit from the message in our music born in the warmth of Dakar.

We are invited to World Music and Dance festival Japan that takes place 5-11 August and receives about 30.000 visitors. We would love to participate and spread our vision of one world in peace and cooperation.

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe?

The World Music Festival is that platform that could help us to broadcast our good vibes and show our understanding from friendship. Bondeko would like to invite you to become friends and start with us on that journey! By supporting us in our expenses to get to the festival, we can actually start that experience and give you insight of the festival and the friendships that will grow through that.

Warum sollte jemand dieses Projekt unterstützen?

Can you imagine? Your support would mean a great deal to us and our mission, in which we bring music, friendship and an important experience together.
We reward your support with several unique goodies. Like a handmade wax bag that is made in Dakar, a postcard from Japan with a personal dedication, or even a song totally dedicated to you, and your topic.

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?

The money will be used to buy 4 plane Tickets to Sapporo.

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

Conny Schneider
Saxophone player, composer and trapeze acrobat from Germany
Feelings and thoughts can be found in every piece of art. It is not the media that is used that matters, but rather the message that is transported to the audience.

My vision is to let people dream and that my performance will inspire the audience to think.

Conny Schneider is a German artist who combines music and circus in a unique way: playing the saxophone while hanging upside down on her trapeze, she takes the audience with her into her own world, a colourful place full of emotions that makes you dream. At the same time being a composer she includes influences of the various countries she has been living in in her compositions.

Conny a collaborated with Kyekye, Reinhard Horn and Titi and performed, amongst others, at PINKPOP, JAZZ MAASTRICHT, L'EMOI DU JAZZ ABIDJAN, ONGALA MUSIC TANZANIA and JAZZ A OUAGA.

She won the BEYOND MUSIC CREATIVITY AWARD with Tina Turner being ambassador of the award and DEUTSCHER ROCK & POP PREIS with the Earth Choir kids project, and she produces her own cross-over shows.

Eved Sita
Singer and composer from Congo

Dany Sala
Pianist, composer and arranger from Gabon

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Was heißt das?

13.04.24 -

Bondeko band goes Japan
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