Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Wie Transporträder unsere Mobilität revolutionieren

Noch nie schien es so einfach die Energiewende auf die Straße zu bringen und damit eine der großen urbanen Fragen unserer Zeit zu lösen – davon sind nicht nur wir überzeugt. In diesem Buch stellen wir jene Menschen vor, die als Designer, Hersteller, Aktivisten, Blogger, Künstler, Sozialunternehmer oder einfach nur als Nutzer dazu beitragen Mobilität vergnüglicher und grüner zu gestalten. Dazu geben wir einen Überblick über die technischen Grundbegriffe und die wichtigsten Typen und Modelle.
26.11.15 - 15.01.16
Mai 2016
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
3.900 €
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For our English Readers: CAR GO BIKE BOOM Summary

Eric Poscher-Mika
Eric Poscher-Mika2 min Lesezeit

CAR GO BIKE BOOM – Will cargo bikes 'velorutionize' our ways of inner-city transport and mobility?

There's never been a better moment to write about those beast of burden on two, three or even four wheels. Muscle propelled, at times and more recently electrically assisted, they change the way we move about and organize transport, or rather, genuinely combine the two tasks while using a single machine. Anyway, they are the talk of many a town. They seem to stir the creative momentum of urban planners, logistics service providers, lord mayors, councils, broadsheet mobility blogs, small businesses, cycling couriers, families, child minders, cyclists' association, cycling shops, you name it. Children taking the front row when carried around love them. 'Heavyweights' like washing machines or visitors can easily be picked up and carried home. Inner cities seem to yearn for 'copenhagenization'.

CAR GO BIKE BOOM is a German book project. Cosmopolitan biker & urban activist Eric Poscher and boneshaker poet & cyclist Juergen Ghebrezgiabiher try to track down this 'velorutionary' moment in time and address issues like: Will cargo bikes pave the way into another or new way of urban mobility? Cargo cycling – three waves of urban, muscle propelled load carrying history. How do we use cargo bikes right now? User portraits. And a historical overview, amongst others.

If you, even though your first language is a language other than German, would like to support our project, please have a closer look at:

You can purchase a fine selection of rewards – 'Dankeschöns' in German – that we hope you will enjoy in all events. Ralph, our illustrator, has created three fine, black&white pencil drawings that are available as Riso print postcards, a set of stickers, or as an exclusive, limited silkscreen or Riso poster. A huge thank you for your support! And please keep fingers crossed that we may move on and translate the book into English once we've got the ball rolling.

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