Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Bringing free & easy mobility to every creature at 36c3 with common scooters.

We - the 0x90 hacker group from Nuremberg - want to raise enough money to buy 30 or more scooters for the 36c3 Commons. Our goal is to ensure that every creature at Chaos Communication Congress can move around the widespread Leipzig Messegelände fast & easy with shared scooters!
11.11.19 - 08.12.19
1.5 months
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 1.500 €

1.500 € would be enough to get 30 scooters.

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Worum geht es in dem Projekt?

We - the 0x90 hacker group from Nuremberg - want to raise enough money to buy 30 or more scooters for the 36th Chaos Communication Congress in Leipzig.

The CCL is very large and the different halls & places are really widespread. So walking takes a lot of time, and the best way to go from one place to another is with scooters.

You don't need many scooters to fulfill everyone's need. But of all the scooters at congress, only few can be used for this, because they are private property. So often people can only walk, although there would be enough scooters for everyone. So we should have scooters which belong to everyone - crowdfunded by the many congress visitors.

Last year, some people complained, that their private scooters were used without their consent, or even stolen. This is a shame for the mutual trust which makes the Chaos Communication Congress so special. We want to stop this by having enough common scooters and raising awareness about them, so the private scooters remain private.

The common scooters will be painted all green & orange, like in the video. Well, maybe a little bit more accurate :D Green & orange are perfect because no one would ever use those colors by choice for their private scooter. This way you can be sure, that green & orange scooters are free to use.

But for this, we need your help! One scooter is around 50€, depends on the model. We try to get them second hand, and we also want to have some larger models for people who are heavier than 100kg or taller than 180cm.

We don't know yet how much we have to pay for delivery. So we will probably need more than 1500€ to fund 30 scooters. But if just a hundred people give 15€ each, we reach the first steps real quickly. And if we reach more, even better - mehr Roller, mehr gut!

We will buy at maximum 60 scooters, 60 will be definitely enough. If we have too much money, the rest will be donated to the CCCV GmbH, so they can grant more friends tickets to people who couldn't afford congress otherwise.

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe?

Everyone visiting the Chaos Communication Congress.

Warum sollte jemand dieses Projekt unterstützen?

Because shared scooters are beneficial to everyone at 36c3, but especially to the build-up and tear-down angels.

Because private scooters are not an efficient way of managing the congress logistics.

Because a private scooter will cost you more.

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?

It's spent on nice green/orange scooters, which everyone can use.

After we can finance 60 scooters, we give the rest to CCCV GmbH, so they can pay more friends tickets.

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

The 0x90 hacker group from Nuremberg. (


phant pet
Willstraße 4
90429 Nürnberg Deutschland

Mau =^.^=

12.11.19 -

ChaosRoller for 36c3
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