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Reise zurück nach China in das Jahr 1961 und blicke 60 Jahre in die Zukunft.

Die Sammlung „China 1961 – 2021 ⦁ Spuren des Wandels“ beinhaltet 285 unveröffentlichte Farbfotografien, welche Jakobs Urgroßvater Horst Köntopp 1961 auf einer Reise als Arzt in China aufnahm – sie stammen aus einer Zeit, in der die Farbfotografie in China noch nicht verbreitet war. Auf den Spuren der geschichtlichen Entwicklung Chinas reiste Jakob 60 Jahre später zu einer Vielzahl der damaligen Aufnahmeorte, nahm dieselben Motive erneut auf und stellt in dieser Sammlung beide Bilder gegenüber.
23.08.21 - 30.09.21
November 2021
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 8.000 €

Mit Eurer Unterstützung helft Ihr Jakob Becker, die hohe Vorleistung für die Produktion des Fotobandes zu tragen.

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Funding goal reached!! Thanks to everybody!

Jakob Becker
Jakob Becker1 min Lesezeit

Dear crowd,
I am very happy to announce the funding goal was reached and we will realise this photo book. Thanks to everybody supporting this project! It also turned out we have backers from all over the world (Germany, China, United States, Singapore, Italy, United Kingdom, Hongkong, Switzerland, Australia, Austria and Sweden), giving me the impression it was a good idea to folow a trilingual approach.

Just some short overview of the upcoming tasks:
Currently I am in the process of finalizing the PDF document and make it ready for printing, which will take some more time. The Chinese and English texts still need to undergo the process of proofreading and then the whole layout needs to be double-checked again. I will write you as soon as I submitted the file to the printing shop, which will be in about 2-3 weeks.

If there is any need for contacting me, you can do that here on Startnext or, as the campaign is over now, using the little website that I set up:

All the best,


06.12.21 - Dear crowd, There is good news and bad news....

Dear crowd,

There is good news and bad news. Good news is, we will print soon (yaaaay!). Bad news is, we wanted to be done printing already (uhhhh -.-). The delay has the following pandemic-related reasons: First, the translator got very sick. Second, the printing house had difficulties guaranteeing there is enough paper in stock, as the supply chains are still broken. They managed to reserve paper for me now, which ensures that we can print. This all threw us back several weeks, which means:
Submission of the final file will be next week, printing will take place in January, in February I will receive the books and start shipping. I am very sorry for the delay. Things just happened the way they happened.

Hope you are all safe and sound. If you have any further questions, please get in touch with me directly.

Best wishes,

China 1961-2021 ⦁ Spuren des Wandels
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