Summer update
Dear all,
I hope everyone had a lovely summer break!
In this update I would firstly like to thank all the people that have reached out to me after receiving the books. I had insightful phone calls and correspondence with a lot of people who have seen the China of the 80s, 90s and 2000s first hand and have tols me about their experience back then, which has been very enlightening to me.
Secondly, the project China 1961-2021 can now be reached under where I also openend up a little time travel section and a webshop. Feel free to have a look!
Furthermore, this year I will have another two exhibitions in the Confucius Insitute Heidelberg (starting on 25 September 2 pm) and in the Confucius Institute Leipzig (vernissage is on 5 November at 5 pm) showing the historic photographs. So whoever is around and interested is most warmly invited to come.
What may also be of interest to some is the following article that was published on NeoCha, available in English and Chinese:
Best regards,