Mit Eurer Unterstützung helft Ihr Jakob Becker, die hohe Vorleistung für die Produktion des Fotobandes zu tragen.
Dear crowd,
There is good news and bad news. Good news is, we will print soon (yaaaay!). Bad news is, we wanted to be done printing already (uhhhh -.-). The delay has the following pandemic-related reasons: First, the translator got very sick. Second, the printing house had difficulties guaranteeing there is enough paper in stock, as the supply chains are still broken. They managed to reserve paper for me now, which ensures that we can print. This all threw us back several weeks, which means:
Submission of the final file will be next week, printing will take place in January, in February I will receive the books and start shipping. I am very sorry for the delay. Things just happened the way they happened.
Hope you are all safe and sound. If you have any further questions, please get in touch with me directly.
Best wishes,