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Stories from collaborative spatial practices A book by Constructlab

Looking at Togetherness through the lens of conviviality, exploring daily life within and around different projects, Convivial Ground follows up the narrative experience and explores modes of learning and working within Constructlab’s practices. The book proposes to open up cross-disciplinary debates on the necessary conditions for the existence of sustainable impactful collaborative projects and practices. Published with the renowned architecture publisher Jovis.
16.12.22 - 22.03.23
Spring 2023
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 3.000 €

Your participation will help covering the printing and editorial costs, ensuring for the quality of the edition.

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Worum geht es in dem Projekt?

Piece by piece Convivial Ground invites the reader to discover the work of the transdisciplinary European design-build network Constructlab. Taking Ivan Illich’s understanding of conviviality as a departure point, the essays, conversations, stories, and images in the book reflect on the specificities of collaborative practices as situated experiments, and on their possible roles in the creation of convivial societies. Exploring contemporary conditions of togetherness, learning, and working, the book is not a "how-to" guide, but an invitation to write new convivial narratives cooperatively.

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe?

One book : many ways and voices to tell many stories at once

There are many possible narratives to approach Constructlab projects. The network always tries hard to generate inclusive projects that speak to all, from the youngest kids to the oldest ones, from any social, educational or cultural background. The book is no exception. Therefore, Constructlab thought of bringing their stories in different forms and formats. Within the pages of the book, you will find theoretical essays, interviews, conversations but also short narrative stories, drawings and images organized thematically or typologically.
Along 480 pages, you will read
3 essays
39 narrative stories
3 convivial conversations (with Thierry Paquot, Tiphaine Abenia + Hae-Won Shin, and Mathilde Sauzet)
More than 100 pages of drawings and images from various projects

With contributions from

Tiphaine Abenia, Sara Belrhaiti, Laetitia Chamekh, Sofia Costa Pinto, Bert de Backer, Johanna Dehio, Mascha Fehse, Noel Fettingsmith, Mathilde Gintz, Julie Guiches, Patrick Hubmann, Jan Korbes, Alex Lambert, Pascal Lazarus, Benoit Lorent, Linus Lutz, David Moritz, Thierry Paquot, Joanne Pouzenc, Carla Rangel, Alexander Römer, Mathilde Sauzet, Hae Won Shin, Merril Sinéus, Angie Volk, Malte von Braun and Peter Zuiderwijk.

Warum sollte jemand dieses Projekt unterstützen?

The network has put a lot of time and energy into gathering the content of this book – the effort it takes to create the projects beforehand not even counted. But unfortunately time and energy do not pay for print and paper. To guarantee the launch of the book in March 2023, we need your participation now.

You will receive your own copy!

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?

With your help, we will be able to cover the printing and editorial costs, ensuring a high quality of the edition.

You would like to support the project and the network ?

If you want to support our projects and the network, feel free to add a little something to the amount you want to pay for the book. You can also get in touch with the local entities of the network if you want to support us locally : so far, there is an association in Belgium, France, Germany, Portugal and Switzerland.

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

About Constructlab
The transdisciplinary design-build network Constructlab takes a dynamic approach to uniting architectural concepts and construction with an emphasis on collaboration. Breaking with traditional divisions of labor, the organization engages a team of multi-talented designer-builders—as well as sociologists, urban planners, graphic designers, curators, educators, and web developers—who carry the creative process from the drafting table into the field, making it possible for designs to respond to the possibilities and constraints posed by materials, site, environment, and utilization.
Active since the beginning of the 2010s, the network has developed and built many projects internationally, from mobile activating devices to more permanent structures, public space activation or museum scenography. Members of the Constructlab’s networks share a number of core values. Their projects can be seen as experimental ground where they prototype situations to reflect through action and tangible results towards ecological and sustainable futures, possible collaborative economy, transmission and other peer-learning strategies as well as engaging long term with territories and local communities.


Alexander Römer
Urbanstraße 64
10967 Berlin Deutschland
USt-IdNr.: DE297467413

20.02.23 - Dear supporters, we almost reached our first...

Dear supporters, we almost reached our first funding aim, thanks to all of you!!! We still have a couple of days left... but YaY, Startnext (and Jovis too) allow us to extend the funding period one time about four weeks (until spring day :-))... so we can continue to pre-sell from the 300 books we have to cover our costs! Have a look on our instagram (hello_constructlab), it features the authors with quotes and illustrations from the "Convivial Ground". Alex, Joanne and Peter for Constructlab

Convivial Ground, a book by Constructlab
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