Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010
„Cucula“ bedeutet in der westafrikanischen Hausa-Sprache „etwas verbinden, gemeinsam machen“. Die CUCULA – Refugees Company for Crafts and Design ist ein Modellbetrieb, der Flüchtlinge dabei unterstützt, sich selber eine berufliche Zukunft zu bauen. Als Manufaktur für Designmöbel nach den Entwürfen von Enzo Mari schafft CUCULA Ausbildungsplätze und eröffnet so konkrete Perspektiven. Dafür sollen fünf Ausbildungsstipendien und ein Startbudget für den CUCULA-Betrieb –generiert werden.
25.11.14 - 01.01.15
01.01.2015 bis 31.12.2015
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
70.000 €
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Who is CUCULA vol.2

Corinna Sy
Corinna Sy2 min Lesezeit

Dear Supporters,

to get to know more about us, Sophie has prepared three more team portraits. Get to know Maiga, Corinna and Ali …

In any kind of group, you need someone who knows how to get everybody together. Maiga is the best at this job: he creates the perfect occasion, brings all kind of food that we enjoy so we can be all together. Thanks to him, we have those legendary Cucula dinners that our friends love to come to. Furthermore, in any critical moment for any of the members of the team, Maiga will be looking for a solution and offering all the help he can give. He masters this very special ingredient that makes Cucula, more than anything else, a project about human beings.
If it's late and you see a light shining in Cucula's office, that must be Corinna, working hard to make the project known by the rest of the world. Flyers, Crowdfunding campaign, design shows, website and much more, she is in charge of everything that has to do with concept, brand development and project management. Everyday, Corinna comes up with new ideas to develop the company and whoever she talks to, she communicates her energy in a clear and convincing way. We could not have anyone better for this job!
Ali is this friendly person who will make sure you feel comfortable if you ever come visit us. He will take as long as needed to explain the project and show you around. His skills in German, English, Arabic and so many other langages allow him to talk with everybody and to help the others to understand when they need a translation. From political to concrete organization topics, conversations with him are always interesting. Ali is a strong voice of Cucula that helps arouse support and solidarity.

Corinna Sy
℅ Schlesische 27B
10997 Berlin Deutschland
CUCULA – Das Unternehmen von und für Flüchtlinge
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