Designer No.8
Hey Action Karma Heros,
let me introduce to you this kreativ super hero Phablo Xcshöll.
I met Phablo and told him about this project and he was from beginning totaly satisfied. He wanted to help from the beginning of our conversation. Phablo is a Bodhisattva is Action.
In his designs he wanted to combine this three facts he is in love with: its fashion/ design - Meditation and his open mind.
that means a helpful person acts very attractive and sexy.
Lets start to be attractive.
help others - life is beautiful !!!
And here you can read some facts about this gantleman:
Phablo Xcsholl is a Guatemalan fashion designer who enjoys complementing art and fashion. His interest in fashion design began in his early youth, when he was looking to channel his ideas through fashion. He began studying fashion design in Guatemala. Later, he entered the industrial area, where he developed products for recognized brands, such as LEVI’S, GUESS, ABERCROMBIE and EDDIE BAUER. With all this experience, earned by developing products at the industrial level, he decided to work for a Brazilian company, using CAD-CAM technology. Phablo Xcsholl’s designs are visionary, artful and contemporary. Besides being a high fashion label, his sleek lines and exquisite comfort offers the avant-garde element to emulate feelings through art.
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More about Phablo Xcshöll - visit him: