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Soziales Näh-Projekt -> mit diesen außergewöhnlichen Shirts unterstützt ihr Menschen in Nepal, ihre Ausbildung sowie die Arbeitsplätze.

Wir möchten die Non Profit Organisation BIA aus Kathmandu mit der nachhaltigen und transparenten Produktion von T Shirts unterstützen. Unser Projekt basiert auf Fairness und Bewusstsein. Wir möchten zeigen, wie wir später innerhalb der Platform Dharma: Doo arbeiten und wie wichtig es für uns ist, Menschen für unsere Werte zu begeistern und zum Umdenken zu bewegen.
03.12.16 - 28.02.17
innerhalb von 6 Monaten.
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
4.500 €
Social Business
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Designer No.9

Paul Harazim
Paul Harazim2 min Lesezeit

Hey careful Peeps,

Like you know every Monday we introduce to you the Designers for our BIA T-Shirt project.

On the day on which we have started to present the designer, I have started to like Mondays. It is always very exciting, how the new designs look like, but it is also exciting how you all just react to it.

So let us begin:

Today we introduce to you a special Karma Hero Lady. Its Christina V Lu. I don't meet her first in my life - I met her Fox. Her Fox is her magnificent design and also the company represented. I read about her company and was completely convinced of what Róka - fur clothing stands for. Its compassion! Not only for animals but also for humanity and mother earth.

Convince yourselves. But first some information about Christina. Christina Lukács studied Communications Design and lives in Duisburg. 2015 she started her own fashion label “Róka - fair clothing” that she runs besides her part time job as a designer in an advertisement agency. In Róka she can combine all the things she´s interested in and cares about, which include Veganism, sustainability, design, illustration, animal rights and typography. She also just got into surfing and yoga.

The designs she uses are her own and she prints them herself as screenprint on fair and organically produced textiles, most of which are produced in bangladesh, but under strict and controlled circumstances. Her designs are inspired by veganisms and her everyday life.

That´s also how the two designs for this campaign were created. As a fan of Karma-Hero it was an easy decision to implement this concept by typography and iconography. The second design is self explanatory and has a message everybody should keep in their mind.Ráka is a Hungarian word and means fox :)

Dharma : Doo
Paul Harazim
Bestenerstraße 219a
46282 Dorsten Deutschland

Dharma : Doo wird 2017 gegründet

Dharma : Doo & BIA - das Shirt für Weltveränderer
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