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The 1st SpokenWord-album by Jessy James LaFleur! Heartfelt poems in 3 different languages, accompanied by experimental and classical music.

DOMA means "AT HOME" in Sorbian and describes a place that Jessy James LaFleur has never found and is no longer looking for; She's a paper plane that flies from one place to another and found a wharf in her poetry and activism. With her many stories she wants to create a Spoken Word album for dreamers, for poetry lovers, for nomads, activists and (r)evolutionists. In 3 different languages, accompanied by a Cello, Guitar, Bass and Piano: Spoken Word meets classic, jazz and experimental music.
10.11.20 - 31.12.20
2.11.2020 - 01.02.2021
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
1.000 €
Hörspiel / Hörbuch
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Worum geht es in dem Projekt?

DOMA means “AT HOME” in Upper Sorbian and describes a place that Jessy James LaFleur has never found and is no longer looking for;
She's a paper plane that flies from one place to another and found a wharf in her poetry and activism.

Jessy James LaFleur, a nomad with conviction, a Spoken Word artist and entrepreneur who’s taken a million and one paths around the world over the last 17 years.
She is from the German-speaking community of East-Belgium, a linguistic minority within the federal state of Belgium.
A border region that has shaped her language skills and her never-ending thirst for travel and the art of Spoken Word;
She has performed her poetry on stage in more than 40 countries and wrote over 150 poems in 3 different languages (German, French, and English) over the last 7 years.

Living the nomadic life may sound like a dream, but it comes with disadvantages, with sorrows, fears and no time to finish or publish a book.
But when COVID-19 hit the globe, Jessy sat down and started to rework some of her poems.
That's when she decided that it was the right time to finally record several pieces with the help of the fantastic cellist Natasha Jaffe.
Natasha lives in Berlin but has roots in multiple countries.
Just like Jessy, she has a very personal definition of the word home.

Jessy and Natasha have worked together for over 7 years and met through Jessy's project "WORTAKKORD"; A poetic event, where all poems are accompanied by 3 musicians.

That's when the idea of "DOMA" was born:

A Spoken Word album for dreamers, for poetry lovers, for nomads, for activists and (r) 3 different languages, accompanied by a Cello, Guitar, Bass and Piano.
Spoken Word meets classic, jazz and experimental music
- ALL in one album!

While all poems are written and performed by Jessy, the music will be created by 4 different musicians from different countries.

The DIGITAL package will include an album with approx.10 poems in 3 different languages, all accompanied by different styles of music, beautiful art work and a book with the lyrics.
The next goal will be a physical package with a CD.
The project is based on Jessy's theatre play "Confessions of a paper plane".

Jessy used the word DOMA for her album, which means “AT HOME” in Upper Sorbian (hornjoserbšćina), a minority language spoken by Sorbs in Germany in the historical province of Upper Lusatia, which is today part of Saxony.
Jessy uses the term to build a bridge between her new location Görlitz and her former homeland East-Belgium.
The album is a tale of conciliation and a story of being in love with the world...

DOMA - A home for a paper plane

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe?

Poetry- and language lovers, dreamers, nomads, activists, every person that loves art and the fusion of words and music.

Warum sollte jemand dieses Projekt unterstützen?

COVID-19 is a tough time for all of us, but even more so for artists.
This project will help to create a perspective for myself and the beautiful musicians I work with.
We will be able to create something beautiful and hopefully we'll be able to show you the beauty of our work live on stage in 2021!

I have never published anything in 17 years of performing poetry on stage - that's a long time.
Your support will make it possible and help me to take my art to the next level - finally!

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?

The money will help to pay the musicians, the studio, mastering of the recordings and marketing.
We're not looking for much money to turn the idea into reality.
Every little helps!

The DIGITAL package will include an album with approx.10 poems in 3 different languages, all accompanied by different styles of music, beautiful art work and a book with the lyrics.
The next goal will be a physical package with a CD.

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

The musicians
Natasha Jaffe (Cellist)
Filipe Duarte (Guitar)
Maik Kutschke (Bass)
Ferdinand Büchner (Klavier)

*Tonlabor Görlitz
*Angeprangert! SpokenWord
*Poets, initiatives and humans all over the world

DOMA - A home for a paper plane
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