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Ihr habt uns geholfen ein traditionelles Holzblockhaus zu bauen.Nun wollen wir das Bio-Retreat in 7bürgen (RO) für euren Wildnis-Urlaub fertigstellen!

Vergangenen Frühling habt ihr die Kampagne zum Aufbau unseres Gästehauses bereits unterstützt: Wir haben es sogar über die Fundingschwelle von 4.000€ geschafft: Den Sommer danach haben wir das Geld und viel Arbeitskraft eingesetzt, um das Blockbohlenhaus zu realisieren. Das Ergebnis könnt ihr im Blog unseres letzten Projektes bewundern. Nun, in dieser zweiten Kampagne, gilt es das Projekt abzuschließen. Es winken wieder saftige Dankeschöns für unsere Unterstützer.
04.12.17 - 21.01.18
Sommer 2018
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 800 €

800 € - damit könnten wir bereits einen einfachen, vorläufigen Gästebetrieb für kommenden Sommer garantieren. Mehr aber auch nicht.

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Fascinated by Transylvania

Andreas Pohl
Andreas Pohl2 min Lesezeit

Transylvania, this region inside the Carpathian Mountains that so many know so little about, has long exerted a strong, magical attraction on people.
For instance, during Middle Ages, the German colonists dominated—thanks to their architecture and perfect administration- in Transylvania; as proof, the curious, adventurous tourist can discover nowadays over 200 fortified churches and fortresses that still stand proud on the hills and in the mountains.
But, even before the German colonists, there were the locals called (in the region where our project is based) moţi; their iconic straw-roof dwelling continues to dominate the rural style in the nowadays village landscape. It is a style encountered ONLY in this region and we are trying our best to promote & preserve it.
Fascinated by the wild nature, the history, the people, we (Andreas \ DE, Ioana \RO and our daughter Dhalia) decided it is time to start a local business in Transylvania—more precisely in the village (Poşaga) of Ioana’s mother. This business turned out to be a Bio B & B called După Gard.
Given the successful first round of our crowdfunding-campaign (on the Start Next site), we managed in the summer of 2017 to construct the shell of our future Bio-Retreat (foundation, walls, ceiling, roof & balcony).
We intend, with this second round of crowdfunding campaign, to raise all the necessary money we still need to complete the project. IF the campaign is successful, then we will be able not only to support the local community (living predominantly of it under ends meet) but also to promote the incommensurable beauty of the Transylvanian unchained traditions & wild nature.
We are happy to have you on our side—either as Fans or / and as Donors (please see our REWARDS-section).
Please visit our own site ( for more info, blogs and complete details about our first campaign + building of the house process.

Warm regards and wet kisses from,
Team Dhalia
(Ioana, Dhalia und Andreas)

După Gard: wilder als Urlaub
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