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Two days of peace, art, fun and dykes*... Help us make DYKE* FESTIVAL BERLIN 2024 happen & secure your ticket!

In 2023, Allesbien organized the first ever edition of Dyke* Festival Berlin. It was a huge success, and it could never have happened without your support. The love, celebration, exchange of ideas, excellent music, new friendships... WE WANT TO DO IT ALL AGAIN! Thus, we are back with even bigger ambitions: more dyke*ness all around. On the last weekend of August, we want to organize Dyke* Festival Berlin 2024: A great queer, multi-disciplinary line up in the beloved location of Campus Kippe!
16.04.24 - 01.07.24
31.08.2024 - 01.09.2024
Website & Social Media
Finanzierungsziel: 3.000 €

Every cent will be invested directly in the festival: location costs, workshop materials, printing costs, fair compensation for artists etc.). All members of Allesbien, the collective behind the festival, are working on a volunteer basis.

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🎉 Goal Reached! 🎉 Only 3 Days Left to Make an Even Bigger Impact!

allesbien collective
allesbien collective2 min Lesezeit

🌈 Dear friends & supporters, queers of all flavors, dykes and allies* 🌈

We are overjoyed to announce that, thanks to your incredible generosity, we have reached our crowdfunding goal for the Dyke* Festival Berlin 2024! This fantastic news guarantees that our festival will take place, and we couldn’t be more grateful for your support. 🙏

However, our journey doesn’t end here. With only 3 days left until the end of our crowdfunding campaign, we have the chance to aim even higher. 🚀 Additional funds will allow us to enhance the festival in several important ways:

  • Enhancing Accessibility: While we understand that accessibility may never be perfect for everyone, we are committed to doing our best to accommodate everyone.
  • 🎨Supporting Artists: More funds mean better compensation for our artists, directly impacting their livelihoods and allowing us to book even more outstanding performers.
  • 🌟Creating a Better Experience: With more resources, we can provide an even richer and more memorable experience for all attendees.

Your continued support can help us achieve these goals. Every contribution, no matter the size, makes a significant difference. 💪 Let’s come together and make the Dyke* Festival Berlin 2024 the best one yet! 🌈

Thank you once again for your generosity and support. Together, we are creating something truly special. 💖

Lise Le Petit
Kreuzbergstraße 42B
10965 Berlin Deutschland

Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG:
c/o C. Orsenne
Rostocker Str. 33
10553 Berlin

Kontakt: [email protected]

Vertreten durch: C. Orsenne

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Dyke* Festival Berlin 2024
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