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Two days of peace, art, fun and dykes*... Help us make DYKE* FESTIVAL BERLIN 2024 happen & secure your ticket!

In 2023, Allesbien organized the first ever edition of Dyke* Festival Berlin. It was a huge success, and it could never have happened without your support. The love, celebration, exchange of ideas, excellent music, new friendships... WE WANT TO DO IT ALL AGAIN! Thus, we are back with even bigger ambitions: more dyke*ness all around. On the last weekend of August, we want to organize Dyke* Festival Berlin 2024: A great queer, multi-disciplinary line up in the beloved location of Campus Kippe!
16.04.24 - 01.07.24
31.08.2024 - 01.09.2024
Website & Social Media
Finanzierungsziel: 3.000 €

Every cent will be invested directly in the festival: location costs, workshop materials, printing costs, fair compensation for artists etc.). All members of Allesbien, the collective behind the festival, are working on a volunteer basis.

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Where Your Money Goes

allesbien collective
allesbien collective3 min Lesezeit

🌈 Dear friends & supporters, queers of all flavors, dykes and allies* 🌈

To maintain our power and autonomy as a collective, we rely on your support. Public and private sector funding is scarce, which is why we turn to you—the people—to help create the best experiences, festivals, and workshops. Your feedback is always welcome at [email protected]. Your support means everything to us! 💖

We want to be transparent about how your donations concretely help us organize our fantastic festival. The crowdfunding campaign covers almost the entire festival's upfront costs, including:

✈️ Artist travel expenses and accommodation
💸 Fair compensation for the artists
🔊 Sound system rental fees, because it's better if you can hear our marvelous artists
🛡️ Insurance fees—it's Germany after all 😄
🎨 Venue decoration and ambiance
🖨️ Printing costs like artist contracts, entrance lists, awareness concepts, venue programs, lanyard labels, and exhibition photos
🚐 Car rentals for transporting equipment
And last but not least, ♿ Accessibility, which is a big focus for us this year (construction, sign language interpreters etc.)

Major production costs need to be covered in advance, so participating in the crowdfunding and 📢 sharing it 📢 with friends, (chosen) family, allies of all types, and even your vet, will go a long way to secure the event.

In light of recent events, we also want to use our platform to remind our wonderful friends and supporters of the importance of free, open-minded, autonomous, safe queer spaces like our collective. We deplore the new political changes happening all around Europe; Allesbien, being a queer collective representing not only Berlin but also France and Germany, and welcoming artists from all over Europe and beyond, stands for diversity and inclusivity. 🌍

As a queer and diverse collective, we understand how critical and tense the rise of the far right feels for our beloved queers, POC, and other minorities. It’s more crucial than ever to safeguard spaces where you can be your true and amazing self! 🌟

When times are tough, it is important to stick together and support each other! Let us strengthen our queer spaces by investing—whether it is our time, money, or kind words, everything has a meaning and helps us continue to act freely for a brighter, more diverse world! 🌈

By donating, you are making a statement of resistance against far-right close-mindedness and for more open-minded, joyful, queer, safe spaces like our Dyke festival*! By voting, and also by just being your true spicy self, you are making a statement of resistance!! So stay fabulous! 💃

Thank you for always being here. 💕

Lise Le Petit
Kreuzbergstraße 42B
10965 Berlin Deutschland

Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG:
c/o C. Orsenne
Rostocker Str. 33
10553 Berlin

Kontakt: [email protected]

Vertreten durch: C. Orsenne

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Dyke* Festival Berlin 2024
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