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Two days of peace, art, fun and dykes*... Help us make DYKE* FESTIVAL BERLIN 2024 happen & secure your ticket!

In 2023, Allesbien organized the first ever edition of Dyke* Festival Berlin. It was a huge success, and it could never have happened without your support. The love, celebration, exchange of ideas, excellent music, new friendships... WE WANT TO DO IT ALL AGAIN! Thus, we are back with even bigger ambitions: more dyke*ness all around. On the last weekend of August, we want to organize Dyke* Festival Berlin 2024: A great queer, multi-disciplinary line up in the beloved location of Campus Kippe!
16.04.24 - 01.07.24
31.08.2024 - 01.09.2024
Website & Social Media
Finanzierungsziel: 3.000 €

Every cent will be invested directly in the festival: location costs, workshop materials, printing costs, fair compensation for artists etc.). All members of Allesbien, the collective behind the festival, are working on a volunteer basis.

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Worum geht es in dem Projekt?

What's this project all about? The Dyke* Festival Berlin is a lesbian, multi-disciplinary event designed to celebrate dykes* –that is: lesbian, bi, queer, flinta– subculture in all its diversity.

Our plan: summoning lesbian genius in Berlin and letting it work its wonders for one glorious week-end! By bringing together the very best of dyke* personas, artists, authors, activists and thinkers from Berlin, Paris, Europe and beyond, we want to showcase the scope of possibilities lesbian creativity has to offer.

The festival will take place August 31st - September 1st on Campus Kippe, an open air area located right next to the S-Bahn station Betriebsbahnhof Rummelsburg, Berlin.

The programme will include DJs and artists, workshops, performances, panel talks, film screenings, a market place, and if all goes well, an after party!

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe?

Who is our target group? DYKES* and friends!!

If you think you're a dyke*, then you're a dyke*. If you think you might be a dyke*, then you might be a dyke*. Either way, you are welcome at our festival.

We aim to make the festival as inclusive as possible, and will do our best to make it a safer space for everyone and anyone in the queer community. We want the Dyke* Festival to be the perfect occasion to make friends and connect with like-minded individuals, all while celebrating the rich history and culture of lesbianism. Whether you're a seasoned activist or simply curious about sapphic culture, you'll find plenty to inspire and engage you. Respectful allies are also welcome :-)

Warum sollte jemand dieses Projekt unterstützen?

Why should you support us/donate? Well, hopefully you're already more than convinced by our beautiful cause. But if you need a bit more convincing: a donation will also function as your entrance ticket* to the festival!

10 Euro donation = entrance for you
18 Euro donation = entrance for you and one more person
35 Euro donation = entrance for you and three other persons
You can't make it but want to support us? Then use the free donation box and give what you want. Every euro helps

Special thanks to Léa Comprelle for the beautiful 2024 Festival designs, and to Mariana Hatherly and @gu_prod for the 2023 edition video

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?

What happens with the money if we successfully reach our target? Every cent we receive will be invested directly in the festival (on-location costs, workshop materials, merch production, printing costs, fair compensation for artists and contributors...). All members of Allesbien, the collective behind the festival, are working on a volunteer basis.

If there is anything left after the festival, we will use the funds to organize more dyke* events in Berlin.

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

Who's behind this project? We are Allesbien, a lesbian collective founded in Berlin in 2022.

What we all have in common is our lesbianism – and the desire to meet other lesbians*, to celebrate dyke* culture in its many forms (through workshops, cultural outings, film screenings, discussions, protests, parties…).

We come from everywhere, but speak mainly English, French and German. We chose to communicate in English throughout this campaign to keep things simple and accessible to a large audience.
Besoin d'un éclaircissement en français ? Écrivez-nous sur Instagram !
Braucht ihr Erläuterungen auf Deutsch? Schreibt uns auf Instagram!

More information about us can be found on our website or instagram.

Last, but not least: our collective welcomes any person who recognizes themselves in the words “lesbian” and “dyke*”. The * next to "dyke" means that we see the word as gender-inclusive. Individuals of any gender and identity who wants to identify as a dyke*, is a dyke*! TERFS do not belong in our collective nor our festival.


Lise Le Petit
Kreuzbergstraße 42B
10965 Berlin Deutschland

Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG:
c/o C. Orsenne
Rostocker Str. 33
10553 Berlin

Kontakt: [email protected]

Vertreten durch: C. Orsenne

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Dyke* Festival Berlin 2024
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