Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Das arabischsprachige Magazin für Kultur & Alltag in Berlin - als Brücke zwischen arabischen Neuankömmlingen und der deutschen Gesellschaft

Wir - eine Gruppe von Flüchtlingen und (Wahl)-Berlinern - haben einen Ansatz für schnellere Integration gefunden. Wir glauben, wenn Flüchtlinge dieselben Informationen erhalten, die jeder Berliner meist schon automatisch hat, haben sie die Chance, ihre Integration von Beginn an selbst in die Hand zu nehmen und mit Berlinern auf Augenhöhe in Kontakt zu kommen. Deshalb haben wir mit Eed be Eed ein arabischsprachiges Magazin für Kultur & Alltag in Berlin entwickelt.
07.03.17 - 15.04.17
Ab Frühjahr/Sommer 2017
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
6.000 €
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Update #3 - We're nearly ready for print!

Dora Csala
Dora Csala2 min Lesezeit

Dear everyone // Liebste alle!

Just yesterday we have successfully received all your donations - as you might have noticed from the automatic email from Startnext. We are thrilled and we would like to let you know: we're not sleeping and we haven't been! Quite the opposite...

Our first issue is almost ready for printing, hopefully we will already hold it in our hands by the end of the month - and start distributing in July! Quite exciting :) We are still figuring out the best possible way to deliver them all over Berlin (though we have a first plan for now) - but if you have any great ideas, please don't hesitate to get in touch. We would love to hear from you!

All other perks are ready to be made and sent out too - sorry for the slight delay in some cases, it just took some time until we could finally actually receive your donations.

In that sense - an exciting period is over and an even more exciting ahead of us AND YOU MADE IT POSSIBLE!
Can't wait until we can share the news about our freshly printed paper with you..

Until then here's a picture from one of our latest team meetings.

All the Best from the whole team of Eed be Eed!

Eed be Eed e.V. i.Gr.
Ahmad Denno
Käthe-Niederkirchner-Str. 18
10407 Berlin Deutschland
Eed be Eed - Hand in Hand
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