Crowdfunding since 2010
77 (LOVE IS LOVE) Homosexuality is punishable in over 70 countries – in 7 countries by death. 77 reasons for fight for the human rights of homo- and transsexuals. Love is love – everywhere. In 2014 we recorded the charity song “100% HUMAN” with over 30 famous artistists, and performed it live at 27 Pride parades. In 2015 we want to record the song “77 (LOVE IS LOVE)” and partner with the ENOUGH is ENOUGH initiative to play it at as many Pride parades as possible.
Funding period
3/17/15 - 4/15/15
April - Start of Mai 2015
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
7,500 €
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What is this project all about?

In 2014 we made a bold statement for equality, acceptance, and respect with the song “100% HUMAN”.

And we've got more to say in 2015. So we've written the song “77 (LOVE IS LOVE)” and recruited a team of great artists to take part in this project:

Horse McDonald from Scotland, German Idol winner Daniel Schuhmacher, Whitney Houston lookalike Ikenna Amaechi, along with Keye Katcher, Steffi List, Annie Heger, Ela Querfeld, and Holger Edmaier, all raising their voices for acceptance and equality with the support of the Stuttgart men's choir “Rosa Note”.

This crowdfunding project is to cover the costs of production, CD pressing, the campaign T-shirts, and public relations materials.
This year 50% of the proceeds from the sale of the CDs and T-shirts go to the “ENOUGH is ENOUGH! OPEN YOUR MOUTH!” initiative based in Berlin. The other 50% will go to smaller non-profit projects and campaigns in the rainbow community.

"ENOUGH is ENOUGH! OPEN YOUR MOUTH!" is a private, independent initiative that supports the rainbow community around the world. A group of friends in Berlin decided to take a stand together against homophobia and transphobia. And it worked: For the past one and one-half years, the initiative is one of the most important names in Germany's rainbow community, and has already reached thousands of people around world with its campaigns.

The initiative finances all its events, campaign productions, and participation in Pride parades solely from donations from the community and from companies that believe in what it is trying to achieve. Above all: Stop Homophobia! That is the key message at every campaign, and is also the logo and symbol of the movement.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

We're addressing everyone who stands for equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transident, transsexual, intersexual, queer, and asexual people everywhere.

For acceptance and human rights.
Against homophobia and transphobia.
Love is love – everywhere.

Why would you support this project?

With the song “77 (LOVE IS LOVE)” we denounce the unbearable situation that lesbian, gay, bisexual, transident, transsexual, intersexual, queer, and asexual people are forced to endure in many countries around the world, and encourage the victims of state and religious oppression and violence.

This year the proceeds from the sales of the song and campaign shirts will go to the“ENOUGH is ENOUGH! OPEN YOUR MOUTH!” initiave in Berlin, as well as to several small projects in the LSBTTIQA community.

Many smaller organizations need just a little more money to be able to conduct their campaigns, but the search for sponsors can often be very difficult. That's why the 100% HUMAN project provides funds to be able to offer real help for these non-profit organizations.

Through its presence at a large number of events, in all social media, and through the participation of famous artists, the “100% HUMAN” project has the capacity to make bold public statements and introduce the work of these non-profit organizations.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

The money raised in this crowdfunding project will be used to pay for the production costs of the song and the replication of the CD, as well as the expenses of the music video, the production of the campaign T-shirts, and printing costs for public relations materials (postcards, leaflets, buttons, and posters).
All remaining funds from this crowdfunding will be donated to “ENOUGH is ENOUGH! OPEN YOUR MOUTH!” and other non-profit organizations.

Who are the people behind the project?

The “100% HUMAN” project (in German: “Projekt 100% MENSCH”) is a limited-liability project founded by Holger Edmaier, a German presenter, composer, and cabaret musician. After the first production was fully and privately financed in 2014, the group received its official non-profit organization status in early 2015, thereby allowing it to accept tax-deductible donations and issue receipts. This legal status also provides utmost transparency.

The “100% HUMAN” project does not stand alone; it receives tremendous support from a number of different Pride organizations, the “ENOUGH is ENOUGH! OPEN YOUR MOUTH!” initiative, and from individuals who donate their talents and work to the organization free of charge. Thank you all very much!

Special thanks:
Horse McDonald, Daniel Schuhmacher, Ikenna Amaechi, Steffi List, Keye Katcher, Annie Heger, Ela Querfeld und der Rosa Note for raising their voices!
Bernd Allgeier for great logo designs
Bill Chaney for the translation of this crowdfunding project
ENOUGH is ENOUGH! OPEN YOUR MOUTH! for amazing support
and Dresden Pride for the beginning


The crowdfunding project has been successfully completed. Supporting and ordering is no longer available on Startnext.

  • The processing of orders placed will be handled directly by the project owners according to the stated delivery time.

  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

  • Cancellations and returns are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective project owner.

  • Revocations and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.

What does this mean? 
Legal notice
"Projekt 100% MENSCH" gemeinnützige UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Holger Edmaier
Bochumer Str. 1
70376 Stuttgart Deutschland

HRB 751741, Stuttgart

Gemeinnützigkeit anerkannt durch das Finanzamt Stuttgart, Körperschaften

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100% HUMAN - 77 (LOVE IS LOVE) - the 2015 campaign
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