Crowdfunding since 2010
AIRLORDS OF AIRIA is a fast-paced mix of science fiction, fantasy and steampunk elements. The film shows an alternate reality in which people, their technology and their world have developed a different direction. The world of Airlords is similar to the ideas HG Wells and Jules Verne had in the19th century about utopias and how the future could be.
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Funding period
8/20/12 - 10/28/12
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Minimum amount (Start level): €
10,000 €
Movie / Video
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Airlord Karak

Dirk Müller
Dirk Müller2 min Lesezeit

Airlord Karak was an admiral of the air fleet. After the signing of the peace treaties, he was reassigned to command scientific expeditions. Since then, he has been obsessed with finding the cause of the great "dislocation" three thousand years ago which destroyed civilization and changed the world forever. His deceased brother professor Stanislav established the theory that mankind itself was accountable for the cataclysm. For fear of the empires to use his findings for their power plays, the professor turned away from his brother and the republic of Airia and took refuge with his family in the eastern colonies. After his brother's death, Karak discovers the records of his brother and begins his search for the mighty tidal machine in the Dragon Sea. With it, he plans to make his fantasies of almightiness come true.

Airlord Karak war Admiral der Luftschiffflotte. Nach den Friedensvertr„gen darf er nur noch wissenschaftliche Expeditionen befehligen. Seitdem ist er besessen auf der Suche nach der Ursache der groáen "Verwerfung" vor 3000 Jahren, die Zivilisationen ver-nichtet und die Welt v”llig ver„ndert hat. Sein verstorbener Bruder Professor Stanislav stellte die Theorie auf, dass die Menschheit fr diese Katastrophe verantwortlich war. Aus Angst, dass seine wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse fr die Machtspiele der groáen Reiche missbraucht werden k”nnten, wendete sich der Professor von seinem Bruder Karak und Airia ab und zog mit seiner Familie in die ”stlichen Kolonien. Karak findet nach dem Tod seines Bruders dessen Aufzeichnungen und macht sich auf die Suche nach der gewaltigen Gezeitenmaschine im Drachen-Meer. Mit ihr will er seine Allmachts-fantasien in die Tat umsetzen.



Dirk Müller
Dirk Müller2 min Lesezeit
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Airlords of Airia
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