Crowdfunding since 2010
ANONYMOUS DRAWINGS is an EXHIBITION in Berlin with 800 DRAWINGS from all over the world. Everybody can participate: the exhibition is preceded by an international, OPEN CALL to submit drawings. The works will be exhibited ANONYMOUSLY. The drawings are available for a UNIT SALES-PRICE 150 Euros each. The regular rules of the art-market will be undermined: what counts is the art itself and not the biography – the personal assessment and not the monetary value.
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Funding period
10/22/12 - 12/31/12
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
10,000 €
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Anonyme AutorInnen gesucht! Anonymous writers wanted!

Anke Becker
Anke Becker1 min Lesezeit

Wir brauchen Euch als (anonyme) AutorInnen! Schickt uns Eure Gedanken, Definitionen und Sätze zum Thema


an: [email protected]

Wir drucken Eure Beiträge im Katalog zur Ausstellung ab und posten die Schönsten im Projektblog aus startnext und auf unserer Facebook-Seite. Anonym, wie immer - versteht sich. Wir sind gespannt auf Eure Einsendungen!

Habt eine gute Woche. Herzlich, Anke + das Anonyme Zeichner Team

Und nicht vergessen: SPREAD THE WORD...

English version

We want you to become an (anonymous) writer! send your thoughts and definitions with the subject


to: [email protected]

We will publish your input in the exhibition-catalogue and post it on the blog on startnext and on our facebook-page. Anonymously, like always. Can't wait to read your lines!

Have a nice week. Kindest regards,
Anke + the Anonymous Drawings Team

And don't forget: SPREAD THE WORD...

The crowdfunding project has been successfully completed. Supporting and ordering is no longer available on Startnext.

  • The processing of orders placed will be handled directly by the project owners according to the stated delivery time.

  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

  • Cancellations and returns are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective project owner.

  • Revocations and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.

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Anonymous Drawings
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