Crowdfunding since 2010
A project to build a tree house for use as a public space in Berlin Das Baumhaus is a collaborative project between local and international artists, designers, creatives and active people from numerous backgrounds. Together we're acting on the little voice in our head that says, "What is it I can do to make the world a better place?" Our answer is to create a space that inspires people to come together, communicate in meaningful ways and become part of a growing culture of active engagement.
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Funding period
9/19/12 - 12/14/12
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
11,000 €
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Baumhaus live on VIVA 28.10.12 + Interesting Feedback

Karen Wohlert
Karen Wohlert7 min Lesezeit

We had a great time on air explaining the project, inventing a game, doing an improv beatbox and freestyle performance and listening to Isaac Abrams talk about his trippy psychedelic experiences.

Here is an interesting email exchange we had with someone who watched us live:

Hello I saw you at Janos 24/8 Live. I am an Idigo Child. I have never tried LSD, but I know about the effect. It's awsome what you said. I have heard, that people around the world take drougs, because it's kind of selfmedication. Thank you for talking about this difficult issue live! :) Kind regards, J

We need something like this in Frankfurt! Will this be possible in the future?


Baumhaus Berlin
Hi J

thanks a lot for your Email! And yes, we need tree houses everywhere :) Now we're building it in Berlin, but we hope to inspire people to build tree houses at other places in the future...

Hearing Isaac talking about 60s and LSD was interesting, but hey, I tried it and I did not like the effect - definately nothing to take when you're already very sensitive and don't feel grounded. I felt like having chemicals in my body that are causing very artificial effects. More like the opposite of selfmedication. For me, to open my consciousnes I found out to rather walk in nature, see beauty of nature and and feel my connection to the world.

And that's also why Isaac is helping building the Baumhaus - it's not about Isaac's drug experiences, but about Isaacy Art. Have you seen it? His Art shows the beauty of nature and our mind, so that we people can experience these perspectives without taking drugs..

Have a beautiful day!


Dear M, thank you for your answer! I never take drougs I found out by myself. Something woke me up this year on my trip to scotlands nature and I felt like walking on a living beeing. :) I felt very inspired, but I would never take drougs. But I heard it often now that LSD is special droug.
I would love to build such a baumhaus, but I don't have the money and the connections to create something that beautiful. A lot o people woke up already. I am very happy to see that! :))

Have a nice day!


Baumhaus Berlin

I'm glad that you found a gateway to fully experiencing the present moment
in satisfying ways without drugs. Isaac's experiences with psychedelics
were his pathway to opening up new perspectives of experiencing the present moment. That does not mean that it is a good path for everybody and that
is not what he advocates. He certainly has had his share of experiences in
his youth but, I can assure you that when he works now the only drug in his system is coffee.

Personally, I don't need to use psychedelics to tap into my most satisfying present moments either. One of my favorite vehicles to get me there is
playing live improv music by myself and with other people; we all have our
own paths to find. What is most important is that we each have exercise
the conscious will to begin the process of exploring the paths which can
lead us to an understanding of the true and simple connections between ourselves, each other and nature. Exploring and understanding these relationships can guide us towards more satisfying experiences of the many 'present moments' that when strung all together we simply call, 'our lives'.

I think we can find deep satisfaction in the process of connecting with ourselves and each other in meaningful ways. Certainly, sharing meaningful experiences of connection with other people can have great value for us. I believe that by experiencing more situations of meaningful connection we
can help shift the balance of our values more towards creating more humane conditions and situations for each other rather than just focussing on the acquisition of money value.

Money value, in theory, is suposed to enable us to facilitate the
fulfillment of living a humane lifestyle. The big problem in the world
today is that people spend so much time and energy focussed on money value
that we spend far less time focussing on creating humane lifestyles.
Anyway, the acquisition of money value does not always lead to the
creation of humane lifestyles for people who have it and certainly not for people who don't. Besides that, the 'money value' system is meant to
manage imbalance, not fundamentally create balance.

The acquisition of wealth and the achievement of a balanced and humane
lifestyle are two different pursuits. Just look around the world anywhere
to witness the many examples...

It just does not make sense for us to wait for big institutions like
business, governments and legal constructs to help us change and shift
values because they operate and are successful on the old 'money = ultimate value' paradigm. I think we can create a world where there is a better
balance between money value and the value of living balanced, humane, sustainable and fulfilling lifestyles. We the people can do simple
practical things to make our local 'worlds' better; it is just a matter of identifying some action steps and then being mindful enough to do them.

Here is one practical example of something you can do to increase your
chances of having more meaningful connection experiences. Once a month go
to one of your neighbor's doors, ring their bell and when they answer,
simply introduce yourself and invite them to dinner one evening.
Preferably, choose a neighbor who you have not met yet or one who you do
not know so well. If they ask you why you came over to invite them, just
tell them that you want to meet your neighbors, the most immediately close members of your community.

I have done this several times myself and the results have always been
good. Some neighbors I have become good friends with and we even hang out socially or just help each other out from time to time. Other neighbors
who I have had diner with are just people who I now say 'hello' to when we
pass in the hall but now there is a genuine feeling behind it.

The first step that we all can take is to make the effort to connect with
each other on some very basic levels. This action only requires you to
have a bit of curiosity and honest intention; that does not cost anything
but the time you spend on the experience.

Keep in mind that the world is just a big feedback loop; there are times
when the constructs of the world influence the lives of the people and
there are times when the people influence the constructs of the world. Now
is our time to shift that balance. Not only will this be a good time to
start that process but now, it is a necessary time to stat that process.

That is why we are dedicating so much of ourselves to the creation of the Baumhaus project... We all need more places to go where we can connect with
each other in meaningful ways in the pursuit of making the world a better
place. That's a fundamentally good idea to put into the feedback loop and that's why we need people like you to support us in the creation of this project.

If we can raise enough awareness of das Baumhaus and make it a successful project then we can spread the idea and build another one in your hometown
too. So help us help you, contribute what you can and spread the word...
who knows, this could be the beginning of a really nice Social Evolution.


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Karen Wohlert
Karen Wohlert1 min Lesezeit
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8/15/14 - Saturday 16.08. will be an Emergent day in...

Saturday 16.08. will be an Emergent day in Berlin! Download full info here and share. Looking forward to meeting lots of Emergent Berliners in the "Open Greeting Zones" / "offene Grüßzonen"....

Emergent Berlin Booklet download link (full info on presenters and workshops)

Emergent Berlin Program Schedule and Map download link

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9/21/12 - Türkçe versiyonunu:...

Türkçe versiyonunu:

Building das Baumhaus
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