Crowdfunding since 2010
A project to build a tree house for use as a public space in Berlin Das Baumhaus is a collaborative project between local and international artists, designers, creatives and active people from numerous backgrounds. Together we're acting on the little voice in our head that says, "What is it I can do to make the world a better place?" Our answer is to create a space that inspires people to come together, communicate in meaningful ways and become part of a growing culture of active engagement.
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Funding period
9/19/12 - 12/14/12
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
11,000 €
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Our First General Meeting + Party :: Fr 1.11. [DE/EN]

Karen Wohlert
Karen Wohlert3 min Lesezeit

Our First General Meeting + Party :: Fr 1.11.

(deutsch unten...)

Great news, after almost 3 years of planning and hard work, it's finally time to start! Therefore, you are cordially invited to attend our first general planning meeting and celebration party on Friday 1.11. (If you are unable to make it on Friday, the next meeting will be on Monday 11.11.)

We will have the keys to the space as of Nov 1 and our everything looks quite promising. According to .garage, one of Berlin's most respected business coaching institutes, the Baumhaus project and business plan are well thought out. They have even offered to throw their full weight and contacts behind our project to give us the best chances of getting fully financed according to our plan... very cool indeed.

The agenda for the evening is as follows:

19 - 20h :: doors open for meet and greet (upstairs at planning HQ - Gerichtstr. 23, front house 3rd floor)

20 - 20.30h :: viewing of the actual empty space (downstairs storefront at Gerichtstr. 23)

20.30 - 21.30h :: project overview and explanation (DE/EN) - topics covered such as overall concept, organizational structure, budget, project schedule, specific opportunities for participants

21.30 - 22h :: Question & Answer Session (DE/EN)

22h - late :: Interviews for documentary film and Party!

Important reminders:

• please be sure to rsvp for the evening on (facebook oder meet-up), • bring some drinks and snacks to share for the evening, • please note that there will be cameras filming during the evening for a documentary and we will also conduct on camera interviews with those of you who are willing to participate, • please bring 1 stump candle with you so we can light the space in dramatic fashion...

rsvp facebook:
rsvp meet-up:


Es geht los! Deshalb freuen wir uns, euch alle zu einer ersten Besichtigung der Räume, zum Feiern und zu einem Planungstreffen einzuladen :: 1.11. ab 19 Uhr (keine Zeit? das nächste Treffen ist Montag, 11.11)

19 - 20 Uhr :: Meet & Greet in unserer WG (Gerichtstr. 23 VH 3.OG)

20 - 20.30 Uhr :: Besichtigung der Räume des zukünftigen Baumhauses (Gerichtstr. 23 VH EG)

20.30 - 22 Uhr :: Projektvorstellung (DE/EN) u.a. Zeitplan, Organisation, Budget, Ideen, Feedback, Mitmachen

ab 22 Uhr :: Party und Interviews für einen Dokumentarfilm

• Bitte sagt uns Bescheid, wenn ihr kommt (facebook or meet-up). • Bringt Kerzen für die Besichtigung und Getränke und Snacks für die Party. • Es wird gefilmt und, wer will, interviewt werden.

rsvp facebook:
rsvp meet-up:

Stand der Dinge:

Wir bekommen die Schlüssel zu den Räumen am 1. November, und alles sieht recht vielversprechend aus. Auch unsere Berater bei der .garage für Unternehmensgründungen sagen Projekt und Businessplan sind gut durchdacht. Sie haben uns sogar angeboten, ihr volles Gewicht und Kontakte hinter unser Projekt zu werfen und uns so beste Chancen auf volle Finanzierung zu geben...very cool indeed.


Karen & Scott



Karen Wohlert
Karen Wohlert1 min Lesezeit
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Türkçe versiyonunu:

Building das Baumhaus
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