Crowdfunding since 2010

This is a collaborative project where dancers, visual and music artists from Ulm join refugees to create a multidisciplinary social art performance.

Before I die is a multidisciplinary performance that will take place in the Stadthaus of Ulm city in July. Dancers, sound and visual artists and refugees from different parts of the world will take part on this event. For this project to happen we will have a long process of research in different refugee settlements, workshops where we will find a common language and castings where we will finally select the refugees that will collaborate with us.
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Funding period
11/20/15 - 1/22/16
November 2015 - February 2016
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
3,600 €
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This is Andreas Usenbenz label. He will be the sound designer for our performance. He will also make the video for all the communication and documentary from the process.


Andreas Hauslaib is the visual artist that will make the projection mapping and the light design for our performance.


This company will partner with us in the visuals. They will provide high thech equipment for 3D projections and hollograms.

Refugee based Multidisciplinary Performance
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