Crowdfunding since 2010

Unterstütze den Wahlkampf von Klimaneustart in Berlin und hilf uns mit deiner Spende, alle Menschen an die Wahlurne zu mobilisieren.

We need to mobilize over 600,000 eligible voters in Berlin to vote 'yes' in the climate referendum on March 26. Then Berlin, as the capital, will have one of the most ambitious climate protection laws ever - a unique opportunity! For this to work, we need a good and intensive election campaign that convinces many people. Unfortunately, we still lack quite a lot of money for this - in this crowdfunding round alone we need 30,000 euros!
Funding period
12/13/22 - 1/19/23
Until the 26.03.2023
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Primary sustainable development goal
Climate action

What is this project all about?

We submitted 261,968 signatures on 14 November. This means that Berlin will get a climate referendum!

In order to produce materials and flyers for the campaign, we want to raise 30,000€ via crowdfunding. The initiative Klimaneustart Berlin is non-profit and all people are volunteering.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

We have rewritten the Berlin Climate Protection and Energy Transition Act. For a Berlin fit for the future.

  • Climate neutrality in Berlin by 2030 instead of 2045.
  • Commitments instead of targets
  • Consideration of all greenhouse gases, not only CO₂.
  • Socially just compensation
  • Reduction before compensation

15 years earlier climate neutral than currently planned and only thus compliant with the 1.5 degree limit.

Why would you support this project?

Berlin 2030 Climate Neutral is the biggest climate lever of your life. Right now you have the chance to change a law. Help us with your donation for our election campaign so that we can mobilise all people in Berlin. For a sustainable Berlin. 15 years earlier climate neutral than currently planned and only then compliant with the 1.5 degree limit of Paris.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

We will use the money to produce campaign materials such as posters, flyers and advertisements to mobilise everyone in Berlin for the election.

Who are the people behind the project?

We are a newly founded alliance of more than 26 movements, initiatives and NGOs from the Berlin area. The campaign was initiated by Klimaneustart Berlin. Members are for example Fridays for Future and other For-Future-Movements, Changing Cities, KLUG, Yeşil Çember, Berlin Autofrei, Berliner Wassertisch, Bürger Begehren Klimaschutz, KLIMALISTE Berlin, Extinction Rebellion, Berlin21, Heimathafen Neukölln, NaturFreunde Berlin, SIRPLUS, BürgerEnergie Berlin, German Zero, KIEZConnect and Grüne Jugend.


What are the sustainable development goals of this project?

Primary sustainable development goal

Climate action

Why does this project contribute to this goal?

With the referendum, we are deliberately not calling for any measures, but rather for the target year for climate neutrality to be brought forward. How Berlin reduces its emissions by 95 percent must subsequently be negotiated by the city society - but there are concrete proposals for measures:

This project also pays toward those goals

Cities & communities
Sustainable consumption
Legal notice
Projektgruppe Klimaneustart der Vertrauensgesellschaft e.V.
Johannes Ponader
Gneisenaustr. 63
10961 Berlin Deutschland
Mach Berlin 2030 klimaneutral!
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