Crowdfunding since 2010

Nine Hamburg friends are cheekily and wittily committed to a colourful Europe

Who is hiding under these big red balls ...? Having escaped the homophobic German provinces, the girls found each other in the Hamburg scene at the end of the 80s. In the AIDS time they drum in Bollen-Drag at the CSD. Since then, no Hamburg Pride, no Bang-Bang, no Lesbian-Gay-Film-Days without the Bollenmädels. Resistant friendship that grows with age. They are ambassadors for diversity, acceptance and free thinking.
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Funding period
12/21/20 - 2/6/21
01.03.2021 - 01.08.2021
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 5,000 €

Just the two of us will produce the film.
We need you for your feedback and
of course as our audience!

Movie / Video
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