We are BREAK DOWN A VENUE from Stuttgart, Germany. We started this project in December 2014 when we recorded our first self titled EP "Break Down A Venue". Since then, we have been playing a lot of shows and trying to meet all of our fans sooner or later! You are the reason we do what we do, and that's why we want to include you in the creation process of our new EP.
That means that you guys put your trust into us once again, and this time you preorder a CD we have to record in the studio beforehand.
We hope you join this project and that we can send you a nice "thank you" item soon :)
If you don't know us yet, check us out!
No Roses For A Life Lost: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEJsxTbKIgc
Our goal is to share our new songs with you. We know that you've been waiting for them way to long!
This project aims for every person who likes our music in any kind of way and likes to support us on our way.
As a newcomer band these days, you have to bear a lot of costs yourself. After releasing our first EP we experienced a lot of support and met many new fans. That's why we really want you to be a part of the next production, and we need your support in order to create something that meets your taste and expectations from us.
We are absolutely convinced by our new songs and can't wait to share them with you.
With the successfully funded project we are going to pay the studio for the recording of our new EP (starting end of January 2016), the production of the CDs and the artwork.
If we exceed our funding minimum, all the remaining budget will be invested in the new music video and new merchandise.
If the project doesn't reach its goal, the funds don't get collected and no money changes hands. You will keep your investment.
The persons behind this project are Nyves, Robin, Constantin, Toni, Mark and Dennis of BREAK DOWN A VENUE
Break Down A Venue