Zum Druck von Büchern.
(10 Projekte sind schon konkret in der Mache und können vor Druck bestellt werden, siehe Dankeschöns. Weitere Bücher sind in Planung)
The newly founded MAGAS publisher concentrated on science-based books on menstruation, motherhood, menopause and female sex. The idea was born when we realized there are so many good books on the topics in English but not available in German, yet.
The explicit aim of Magas publisher is females empowerment. Precisely we focus on autonomous decisions concerning our female body. Too long has been the tradition that others rule over our bodies (e.g. rape within marriage is considered a punishable action only since 1997 in Germany). Autonomous decisions can only be made when we have knowledge about our body. Medical research has excluded women for far too long (because of the "disturbing" hormone fluctuations. Only recently gender sensitive research has come into focus and we start to understand that women are not simply "small men". I can only advocate for my body when I know and appreciate it.
Especially in the domain of pregnancy and birth money-oriented politics have led to a medical care that is no longer women centered. We want to bring the woman back into the center and give her the right to decide by providing evidence-based information. That is especially the aim of the planned book series in cooperation with Mother Hood e.V. (www.mother-hood.de)
Our target group are women and men who want to know about what is really happening in the menstrual cycle, in pregnancy and birth, in menopause and female sex.
Well, to quote the Canadian president Trudeau: "Because we are living in the 21st centurey."
Starting level: 10.000 €
That will help us a little further. It will cover the printing costs of the first two books and the postcards. Thank you.
Next level: 20.000 €
That will help us a lot further. It will cover the postcards and the printing of the first five books. Thank you very much!
Next level: 30.000 €
Wow, that's great, with this money we can print the first 8 books as planned in the conventional print style. Thank you so much!!!
Next level: 55.000 €
YEAHl!!!! With this lot of money we can print the books in the cradle-to-cradle style which is 100% biodegradable (incl. glue and colours). We're shouting: THANK YOU!!!!!!
Super endlevel: 70.000
That is giving us a huge boost - Thank you so much!!! With this we will be able to finance more books to come and some other projects we have in mind (CD, film, posters). And we will be able to finally pay all the people who have been working for us on a voluntary basis THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU
The head behing Magas publisher is Dr. Gerit Sonntag, who has been annoyed for a long time yet that women (not only) in research still have to stand back. She wants to help changing that. die sich schon seit längerem ärgert, dass Frauen (auch) in der Forschung immer noch zurückstehen müssen und mithelfen will, das zu ändern.
She has been actively working with in the organisations Mother Hood e.V. für a woman-centered birth care. Before that she has helped in the founding of Hebammen für Deutschland e.V. (midwives for Germany). Since 2020 she is training to become a lactation consultant (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Freier Stillgruppen e.V.) and has joined the women in publishing (Bücherfrauen e.V.). In her main job she is employed in research funding (because somebody needs to bring home the money for husband and kids).
She is determined that women -working together- can achieve much more than is expected.