Our intention is to create a bilingual documentary (German, English) until the end of 2015. The film is about how to reconnect to mankind itself, our behavior, our children, our fellow human beings and all of nature.
Furthermore we would like to share knowledge and simple tools about peaceful communication, which is deeply rooted within ourselves already (e.g. talking- circle, co-counseling).
With your contribution, we will document how these concepts are already alive and working and spread the idea to hopefully many people.
The time is now!
And this vision becomes real – with your participation!
Concerning the objectivity and practicability of this matter, we are planning to do:
This goes out to all human beings who are interested in learning about how to deal with each other peacefully. That covers child care, deep communication in partnerships and living together in families and communities. Additionally, this movie is a documentary for those knowing The Way of The Circle and who wish to save and preserve Story and Ellika's wisdom.
This documentary is a community project. It shows how peaceful community can work - for everyone! That's why you are cordially invited to support our project with a little help or donation. That will spread this message and will make a move towards a peaceful existence on our planet.
The more financial support is offered, the better we can document and share about this important, wonderful knowledge.
From 15.000€:
From 30.000€:
From 49.000€:
That's us. Dave, Heiko, Mia, Paul and Martin.. from the non-profit organisation WirWelt (WeWorld).
While finding our individual passions, everybody of us has accumulated experiences in communication, philosophy, media, music and arts.
Working together on this project is a matter of the heart for us. And as it won't be the last project, we founded the non-profit organization "WirWelt" (WeWorld).
Like the name suggests, it's dedicated to supporting and spreading the word about already existing tools and worthwhile concepts for togetherness, connection and mindful coexistence with all of life.
And remember, there is a way – for everyone of us!
Dave, Mia, Martin, Paul, Heiko