Crowdfunding since 2010

I wish to collect this knowledge and share the wisdom to generously support others around me through their own sexual empowerment and deeper growth.

Dear humans: This year I am realizing my dream of becoming a Sexological Bodyworker and thereby accompanying other people who have less access to financial resources and who still long for a body-based and trauma-informed therapy. I am currently looking for creative ways to finance it… This is one of them! Please take a look at the perks on the side. Hopefully you will find something that you’d be happy to receive in return for your donation! Thank you! ***Español bajo la última pregunta***
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Funding period
2/28/20 - 5/27/20
March - December 2020
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 5,000 €

This will cover the costs to become a certified Sexological Bodyworker and to offer this work in an inclusive and open way to those wishing to benefit.

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Día #1: GRACIAS!!!!

Dana Reina Téllez
Dana Reina Téllez2 min Lesezeit

Dear humans, (Deutsch folgt)

THANK YOU! For your messages, calls, prayers, donations and further sharing on the first day of the campaign!

I feel so deeply blessed and overwhelmed by this fluffy wave of love, support and admiration that reminded me that my vision and work are wanted and welcome in this world!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Almost half of the money is reached! wao, wao, wao ...

In the following video I share my joy with you (unfortunately I couldn't upload a better quality.):

"Believe in your heart"

in gratitude and love,



Liebe Menschen*,

DANKE! Für euere Nachrichten, Anrufe, Gebete, Spenden und weiteres teilen am ersten Kampagnentag!

Ich fühle mich so tief gesegnet und überwältigt von dieser flauschigen Welle der Liebe, Unterstützung und Bewunderung, die mich daran erinnert hat, dass meine Vision und meine Arbeit gewollt und willkommen sind in diese Welt!

Danke von Herzen!

Die Hälfte ist schon fast geschafft! wao, wao, wao...

Im folgenden Video teile ich meine Freude mit euch (Ich konnte leider keine bessere Qualität hochladen.) :

"Glaube an dein Herz“

in Dankbarkeit und Liebe,


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Sexological Bodywork * De-colon-izing
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