First priority:
- Studio recordings (and everything involving that)
- Graphic Designer for artwork
- Production of CD + bookle
This project is about creating 'something to stay' in this hectic world where memories so easily get swiped away.
We play acoustic pop / folk / singer songwriter -music. We don’t like to put ourselves in 1 box, so let’s say we play a mix of everything :-D
Our songs involve personal stories about love (both the happy and sad parts of course) and dealing with this fast-living, hectic world.
The main project goal is to raise enough money to make professional recordings of our songs and to create a CD including nice artwork and a booklet with lyrics.
This project is for all the people that visited our concerts and who asked us where they can find our music.
We need your support to get our music out there. When this crowdfunding ends successfully we can start giving you something back by creating a CD and putting our songs online for you all. You get what you give, and we get what we give :-D
First priority:
- Studio recordings (and everything involving that)
- Graphic Designer for artwork
- Production of CD + booklet
Second priority:
- Organizing a small tour
- Shooting a music video
Desirée Simons (a.k.a. Desi) - 27 years old, living in Roermond (NL).
Music freak / Traveler
Julia Podolecki - 29 years old, living in Düsseldorf (DE)
Componist / Dreamer
Jetkaan Artography -
Our biggest support when it comes to our promotion material thus far. He's the hero behind several photo-shootings and video's we've made until now.
Spyluhr -
Our creative, musical helper behind the scenes!