Crowdfunding since 2010
We are in the midst of producing a documentary aimed to educate children and adolescents about racism and discrimination in our society and every day lives. High-profile role models from the world of football support us to call attention to these issues. This documentary will be utilized during the educational workshops “Show Racism the Red Card – Deutschland e.V.” offers.
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Funding period
9/12/13 - 12/6/13
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
2,500 €
Movie / Video
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What is this project all about?

We are producing a documentary about racism and discrimination in sports and society. This film will be a major part of our workshops with children and adolescents. It shall not glorify hooligans, neo Nazis in the stands or violence, but highlight the stories of real characters from football.
Throughout our journey we will visit district leagues and the Bundesliga, even stop by the Premier League. We will talk with female and male amateurs as well as professional footballers like Per Mertesacker, Jérôme Boateng, Anthony Ujah and Anja Mittag.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

The pedagogical film will be utilized during the workshops with children and adolescents. It will promote the prevention of racism, discrimination and exclusion. It will allow for an in-depth analysis of existing structures, to which our workshops will tie on to. Through this movie, we want to establish a quicker and less complicated access to our workshop participants and therefore connect the issues addressed in the movie with our pedagogical measurements.

Why would you support this project?

Racism, discrimination and exclusion – they are unfortunately still part of our daily lives in schools, sports clubs and stadiums. To change this fact, we have to sensitize our children from an early age on. We believe that we will succeed with the help of influential footballers. Their personal stories and experiences are what inspire children and adolescents the most, it teaches them about the importance of moral courage and tolerance. Speaking from experience: Powerful images and personal stories leave an impression.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

We were able to take on our first steps with the help of the Manfred Lautenschläger Stiftung and the Dokumentationszentrum Deutscher Sinti und Roma. If we succeed in financing this movie completely, we will be able to produce it up to its fullest potential and our expectations. Especially the cost of travel has been a challenge to overcome, whereas we need to visit and interview our protagonists, because that is what helps the movie thrive. To visit Per Mertesacker in England or Anja Mittag in Sweden can help enlarge the perspective of players abroad.

Who are the people behind the project?

Andreas Hellstab was inspired by his internship with the English organization “Show Racism the Red Card” and thus founded an initiative with the same name in Germany in 2010. Ever since a constantly growing group of young people work for this initiative on a volunteer basis – which is the essence of “Show Racism the Red Card”. Young and motivated people work throughout Germany, all of them managed from the Berlin office.
Behind all of this stands the conviction that football can be used as an access tool to reach children and adolescents – to raise their awareness for racism and discrimination.

Show Racism the Red Card - Deutschland

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Show Racism the Red Card - Deutschland e.V.
Andreas Hellstab
Genthiner Straße 8
10785 Berlin Germany

11/28/13 - Die Resonanz auf unsere Filmidee und die...

Die Resonanz auf unsere Filmidee und die bisherigen Ausschnitte ist enorm positiv. Regelmäßig werden wir gefragt: "Wann gibt es denn euren Film zu sehen", "wann ist die Premiere" und "wie kann ich den Film bekommen"? Alle Fragen können wir leider noch nicht beantworten, eine wichtige jedoch schon. Im Januar gibt es eine Filmpremiere! Seid gespannt, wir sind es auch!



Der Film wird realisiert mit der Unterstützung von der Manfred Lautenschläger Stiftung, dem Dokumentations- und Kulturzentrum Deutscher Sinti und Roma und dem Zentralrat Deutscher Sinti und Roma


„Show Racism the Red Card“ ist Preisträger im bundesweiten Wettbewerb „Ideen für die Bildungsrepublik"

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Show Racism the Red Card - Documentary for children
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