Crowdfunding since 2010

In January Elvellon want to enter the studio again to record their long awaited debut album. Now the 5 musicians need the support of their fans.

Since the release of our first EP Spellbound in January 2015 the demand for our debut album has increased more and more. And since we are still facing every challenge by ourselves without the backing of a record label we need your help now. Donate any amount of money of your choice, accompany us this part of our way, and in the end you will hold in your hands an album of which you can say you had a hand in creating.
Funding period
12/1/16 - 3/1/17
Autumn 2017
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
7,000 €
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Ein grandioser Auftakt! / A spectacular start!

Martin Klüners
Martin Klüners2 min Lesezeit

Wow, was für ein Start der Kampagne! Bereits nach 48 Stunden haben wir die Hälfte unseres Zielbetrags erreicht. Und das Alles haben wir neu Euch zu verdanken! Ihr seid der Wahnsinn! Vielen, vielen Dank!

Aktuell schreiben wir neben den Proben zu unserem diesjährigen Abschlusskonzert noch an den letzten Nummern fürs Album. Zudem wird noch an einigen Details gearbeitet um den Songs den letzten Schliff zu verleihen. In Zukunft werden wir uns diesbezüglich noch detailreicher zu Wort melden.

Zunächst gilt es erst einmal die Crowdfunding Kampagne zu einem erfolgreichen Ergebnis zu bringen. Und auch dabei könnt ihr Unterstützer uns noch helfen: Verbreitet die frohe Kunde und berichtet der Welt von diesem wunderbaren Vorhaben.

Wir wünschen Euch schon jetzt erholsame Feiertage.

Wow, what a start of the campaign! After just 48 hours we have already achieved half of our funding goal. And all of this we owe to you! You are amazing! Many, many thanks!

In addition to the rehearsals for this year's final concert, we are still writing on the last songs for the album. Some details are being worked out to give the songs the finishing touches. In the future we will give you more detailed reports on this subject.

But first of all, we want to bring the Crowdfunding campaign to a successful result. And here you - the supporters - can help us one more time: Spread the good news and tell the world about this wonderful project.

We wish you a happy holiday.

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Elvellon - full-length Album (2017)
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