Crowdfunding since 2010

In January Elvellon want to enter the studio again to record their long awaited debut album. Now the 5 musicians need the support of their fans.

Since the release of our first EP Spellbound in January 2015 the demand for our debut album has increased more and more. And since we are still facing every challenge by ourselves without the backing of a record label we need your help now. Donate any amount of money of your choice, accompany us this part of our way, and in the end you will hold in your hands an album of which you can say you had a hand in creating.
Funding period
12/1/16 - 3/1/17
Autumn 2017
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
7,000 €
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Unglaublich, Leute ! / Incredible, people!

Gilbert Gelsdorf
Gilbert Gelsdorf1 min Lesezeit

Unglaublich, Leute ! :D
Was für ein Tag in der bisherigen Laufbahn Elvellon’s!
Vor 10 Tagen haben wir unsere Crowdfunding Kampagne ins Leben gerufen um unser erstes Album finanzieren zu können.
Und schon heute ist es gelungen das Fundingziel von 7.000 € zu durchbrechen!
Die Flut an Emotionen, die wir hierbei empfinden, lässt sich nur schwer in Worte fassen.

Aber eines steht für uns alle fest:
Es ist uns eine Ehre Euch unsere Fans nennen zu dürfen.
Ein solches Maß an Treue, Begeisterung und Hilfsbereitschaft übertrifft unsere kühnsten Vorstellungen.
Ohne Euch wären wir Nichts. Vielen, vielen Dank!

Wir lieben und danken Euch von ganzem Herzen!


Incredible, people! :D
What a day in Elvellon's career!
10 days ago, we launched our Crowdfunding campaign to fund our first album.
And today you already managed to break the funding goal of 7,000 €!
The flood of emotions we feel is difficult to put into words.

But one thing is certain for us:
It is an honor to call you our fans! The degree of fidelity, enthusiasm and willingness to help surpasses our wildest dreams.
Without you we would be nothing. Thanks alot!

We love and thank you with all our heart!

Legal notice
Elvellon - full-length Album (2017)
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