Crowdfunding since 2010

In Greece I will support activists at the border. The experiences and encounters there I take back to the Netherlands in this documentary.

In April, I will go to Greece for two months to support activists at the border and make a documentary about it. Last year, with a group of friends we got active when there was a big emergency refugee shelter in Nijmegen. Now, this camp is gone, but actually there are still a lot of people on the move who cannot get to a safe destination. This is why I want engage. Then, I want to bring the experiences and encounters back home with me in the form of this movie to inform and inspire.
Funding period
3/1/17 - 4/4/17
Screenings are in July & Aug
Minimum amount (Start level): €
1,500 €
Movie / Video
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Welcome to Lesvos: the beautiful prison. Movie premiere on Sept 16th!

Laura Heinig
Laura Heinig4 min Lesezeit

In the past weeks, time run past in an extraordinary way. I have been meaning to inform you sooner; it has all been a bit much, but first things first: the premiere is soon on 16 sept! We show fragments on the Kaaij! A website for the movie is born!
Many exclamation marks, much excitement.

Let me put it in 6 points:

1. The movie is premiering on 16 september in Nijmegen. Mark your calendars and be there! I am looking forward to celebrate with you.

2. The dear Nils Brodersen has joined the team. Under his to the point command, we’ve set up a website for the movie and the whole project. Have a look here. (and this is Facebook)

3. On the first weekend of September (1st-3rd), we will screen fragments on the movie at the Kaaij in Nijmegen from 16:00-20:00. In the weeks afterwards, we will guerilla screen fragments as well in the public space of Nijmegen city (more info follows soon on social media)
The student magazine VOX of the Radboud University in Nijmegen interviewed me and wrote about it. Here is the article in Dutch and here in English.
As the dear Miro put it:

“On Lesbos, where refugees are marginalized, our Laura courageously creates spaces of hope through activism. In a forthcoming documentary, she will not only show us the horrid conditions on the island, but also the power of solidarity, humanity and cooperation through the compelling stories of five women. Read Laura's interview in Voxweb​ and stay tuned for more.”
(via justPeople)

4. On the ground on Lesvos, No Border Kitchen Lesvos were very engaged fighting for the extremely endangered dignity of people. In order to be able to continue giving out food boxes, they ran a crowdfunding campaign I had the pleasure to make the video for. A good opportunity to use some of the footage shot there.

5. Backdrop: A month ago, we talked about our experiences on “the beautiful prison” Lesvos. The venue was very crowded and everyone listened and watched attentively. Thanks for coming!

6. Finally, I am still editing and finishing the movie. It feels good to be connected still to Lesvos and to carry the reality I’ve witnessed there into the world. I know I might be repeating myself, yet it still remains so present to process this: Even though a lot of the hardship people go through there is depressing, there are those inspiring individuals and communities. The people I have met are extraordinarily frank. I’m looking forward to introduce Cris, Xenia, Alice, Nora and Casey to you. They take us into their lives on Lesvos.
They are the heroines of the movie.

As there is the new page for the movie now, this is also the end of writing updates here on the crowdfunding page. Please contact me if I may keep you informed via Email as well.
→ Laura.heinig (@)
Until then, hope to see you at the Kaaij and at the Premiere!
Thank you: old friends, new friends and strangers for helping, donating, supporting! Im grateful and, yes, touched by that.


//Contact me if youre interested in screening the movie or if you have ideas for distribution//

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3/8/17 - Thank you everyone who has supported up to...

Thank you everyone who has supported up to now!
It's absolutely incredible this crowd funding experience.
Your quick support encourages me, to raise the funding goal from 1500€ to 2000€.
Then, if we reach 1500€, the project is considered successful.
The extra money towards 2000€ will help for the travel costs.
We will be 2 or 3 people driving together. The cost for ferry and the car will be around 600 € minimum.
We can do this!
Very excited and happy,

Engage! Activism documentary in Greece
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