Crowdfunding since 2010
"Product of a Failed State - Liberia" is a documentary film about a generation of young entrepreneurs in post-war Liberia. The film will portray some of these men and women and take a look at the recovery of a former "failed state".
Funding period
4/26/12 - 6/12/12
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
8,000 €
Movie / Video
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By-product of the documentary shoot in Liberia... music video is online!

Chris V
Chris V1 min Lesezeit

It's been a while. I am quite occupied with my studies at the moment, editing the documentary is still in progress, but I uploaded a music video today, which is a by-product of this wonderful project. My partner in Monrovia, who helped me with the sound recording and many other things is a sound engineer and musician... so I helped him shoot a music video. The title of the song actually inspired me to start this project in the first place! Hope you enjoy... and please be patient, the documentary has not been neglected, it just takes a while doing everything myself!


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Product of a Failed State - Liberia
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