Crowdfunding since 2010


Labor Neunzehn

A cross-disciplinary discourse on time-based-art that involves expanded cinema, modern music, publishing, and the critical reflection in media art, with a specific focus on the migration of these languages between the online and offline domains.

Light Cone

Founded in 1982 by Yann Beauvais and Miles McKane, Light Cone is a non-profit association based in Paris with the aim of promoting, distributing, and preserving experimental cinema.

Kunsthaus ACUD

Das Kunsthaus ACUD ist ein offenes Kunst- und Veranstaltungshaus mit Kinos, Theater, Club, Galerie, Atelier, Bar und Studios in Berlin Mitte.

Legal notice
Fracto e.V.
Giuseppe Boccassini
Veteranenstraße 21
10119 Berlin Deutschland

7/14/23 - After mulling it over we have reluctantly...

After mulling it over we have reluctantly decided to resize the program of the 7th edition of Fracto Experimental Film Encounter and therefore reconsider the goal of our crowdfunding campaign. However, our commitment to experimental film stays the same.
We have established a minimum bare-bones amount that could still allow us to carry over the Fracto festival tradition into another year.
There are only TWO WEEKS left to our deadline and a few donations away to reach our goal!

6/28/23 - After mulling it over we have reluctantly...

After mulling it over we have reluctantly decided to resize the program of the 7th edition of Fracto Experimental Film Encounter and therefore reconsider the goal of our crowdfunding campaign. However, our commitment to experimental film stays the same.
We have established a minimum bare-bones amount that could still allow us to carry over the Fracto festival tradition into another year.
We need your help to make it happen - every fraction counts!

6/28/23 - After mulling it over we have reluctantly...

After mulling it over we have reluctantly decided to resize the program of the 7th edition of Fracto Experimental Film Encounter and therefore reconsider the goal of our crowdfunding campaign. However, our commitment to experimental film stays the same.
We have established a minimum bare-bones amount that could still allow us to carry over the Fracto festival tradition into another year.
We need your help to make it happen - every fraction counts!

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