Crowdfunding since 2010

100% Organic. Regional. Plastic-free. Vegan.

Grüneo offers the first DIY-indoor gardening box that contains 100% organic materials and all the necessary knowledge to sow, grow and enjoy herbs and vegetables made by you. It is designed for people who not only want to harvest the freshest food but also want to learn about the principles of gardening and discover new ways to live more sustainably. Are you in?
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Funding period
2/25/20 - 4/11/20
April-May 2020
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 7,000 €

If we reach this funding goal, we will produce our first batch of boxes, and open our online shop.

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95% of the funding goal reached!

Alicia Ferrer
Alicia Ferrer1 min Lesezeit

We made it to 95% of the funding goal
We are almost there! And we can only do it with you, please help us BLOOM!
FRESH NEWS! Even though all Grüneos have been very supportive until today (infinite thanks to all supporters!), we have been facing some challenges due to Covid-19- like everyone, what can we say... Our communication strategy has changed, events have been canceled and city's lockdown does not help to raise up spring vibes.
We want to give the campaign what it deserves. Startnext team helped us by extending the campaign two more weeks... the campaign is now live until the 11th of April!
Please be part of this last push and help us reach the 100% by ordering now!

For the ones who would like to read more about us, we leave you here some Press about Grüneo:

Sending you green vibes!

Alicia and Lena from Grüneo

Legal notice
Alicia Ferrer
Holzmarktstrasse, 62
10179 Berlin Deutschland
GRÜNEO - Indoor gardening made easy & sustainable
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