Crowdfunding since 2010
häppchenweise (bit by bit). A postpornographic experiment. Six people, one room, one night, one dinner, a lot of sensuality and much to discover. A film that shows how bodies and minds might meet when allowed to. Get involved within a stimulating experiment, somewhere between aesthetic statement and real venture, between pornographic art and the attempt to reposition sexuality within dialogue and actions. Find out more:
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Funding period
5/2/12 - 8/12/12
Minimum amount (Start level): €
10,000 €
Movie / Video
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What is this project all about?

häppchenweise (bit by bit) is a postpornographic film project.

One night – six people come together to eat and to play. One bootle spins arount a stack of cards full of questions and tasks that only wait to be set in words and actions.

Leave with us the predictable path of porntypical, thousandfold recycled imagery and narration. Get into a stimulating experiment, somewhere between aesthetic statement and real venture, between pornographic art and the attempt to reposition sexuality within dialogue and actions.

Find out more:

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

We want to see more creative depictions of explicit, honest, differentiated sexuality far away from pressurized categorical constrictions and plastic tits. So, do it yourself!

It’s about showing enthralling and individual people instead of fully optimized and uniformed plastic bodies. We want to set an open framework within which the pornographic becomes the product of the moment and boundaries can be crossed playfully. In doing so we are eager to mount a high quality production and imagery, which gives and will give shape to sexuality – one of the most fascinating themes of our society.

häppchenweise (bit by bit) evades deliberately the segregation between elitist art clientele and porn consumers.

Why would you support this project?

häppchenweise (bit by bit) is an absolutely independent, free production. All participants, reaching from the protagonists to the web designer, work without any money consideration but instead because they are eager to realize the idea. We are striving for an aesthetically high quality result for which we need the corresponding equipment and therefore we are relying on your support.

You are into the idea and want to see a film like that? Help us turning a no-budget into a low-budget project!

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

We will rent camera, sound and light equipment and the corresponding fixtures. In addition catering, PR material, transport and location costs will be financed plus the material for building and furnishing the set.

The Set:

An open to the top room will be build into an existing room. This artificial room will be furnished corresponding to our neo-retro look. Two cameras will be fixed above the room. Two cameramen will be positioned behind the artificial walls with mirrored windows. One additional cameramen will be inside the room. I, as the director, will be connected via headset with all cameramen tracking and controlling every shot via screen. This is really important to realize a deliberately aesthetic statement.

Furthermore we will be working with deconstructive moments, that is camera and microphone can and should be seen and the protagonists can and should address the artificiality of the situation.

Who are the people behind the project?

Maike Brochhaus (director, head of concept)
I am a lecturer of Art Studies, talking to students about the pornographic in the context of art and am writing my doctoral thesis about PornArt by taking the example of Bruce LaBruce. I am full-time working on giving the emptiness of existence the finger with earthly desires. Everything else is means to an end.

Paul Légère (1st camera)

Bello Morningside (2nd camera)
Simon Werle (cut, music)
Minzi Mirkwood (set-photography)
Alice Rzezonka (print- and web design)

The crowdfunding project has been successfully completed. Supporting and ordering is no longer available on Startnext.

  • The processing of orders placed will be handled directly by the project owners according to the stated delivery time.

  • The production and delivery is the responsibility of the project owners themselves.

  • Cancellations and returns are subject to the terms and conditions of the respective project owner.

  • Revocations and cancellations via Startnext are no longer possible.

What does this mean? 
Legal notice
KalkPostPornProduction GbR
Maike Brochhaus
Robertstraße 5
51105 Köln Deutschland

Steuernr. 218 / 5028 / 2543

6/17/12 - !!! Wichtige Eilmeldung !!! Oh no! Die Liebe...

!!! Wichtige Eilmeldung !!! Oh no! Die Liebe hat uns dazwischen gefunkt! Eigentlich ja ein schöner Störenfried, nur leider hat er uns Protagonistin Anja (die hübsche Rothaarige aus der Badewanne) geklaut, Wie ich gestern erfahren musste ist Anja nun frisch verliebt in einer Beziehung und möchte deswegen nicht mehr am Projekt teilnehmen. Im Trailer bleibt sie aber gerne drin, sagt sie. Damit das aber nicht nach Mogelpackung aussieht, teile ich euch das lieber sogleich auf allen Kanälen mit.Zum Glück haben wir mittlerweile 3 neue feste Protagonisten ausgewählt, die ich euch Ende nächster Woche in kurzen Interview-Clips vorstellen werde!!!! Important Shortnews !!!Oh no! Love has butt in! Usually a nice disturber, but unfortunately it has stolen our protagonist Anja (the pretty red haired one in the bathtube), Yesterday I received that she is in love and a new relationship now. So this is why she dose no longer want to be a part in our film. But she said, that she is still proud to be in the trailer. I immediatly tell you this on all our channels so that it not appeal to be a bluff package.Fortunately we have chosen 3 new protagonists, which I will introduce to you at the end of next week in short interview clips!

6/14/12 - !! Ab Minute 2:19 im Trailer erkläre ich euch...

!! Ab Minute 2:19 im Trailer erkläre ich euch nochmal kurz das Projekt und nenne gute Gründe für euren Support !!!! At 2:19 in the trailer I give you a short description of the project and good reasons to support us !!

6/14/12 - Liebe Freunde der pornografischen Kunst! Ihr...

Liebe Freunde der pornografischen Kunst! Ihr findet alle Updates im Projektblock!Dear friends of PoartArt! You can find all updates on the blog!

häppchenweise - Ein Abend, sechs Körper, wie weit würdest Du gehen?
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