Crowdfunding since 2010
Are there wicked problems to be solved? Yes. Are there people with innovative ideas? Yes. Do people put these ideas into action? Sometimes. Enter Impact Hub Berlin. In the last year, have we… created a space for people to collaborate? Yes. helped turn ideas into action? Yes. tasted success and learned from failure? Yes. And now, are we… ready to take impact to the next level? YES able to achieve our vision alone? NOPE. counting on your support? ABSO-F246-LUTELY. More Space for Impact.
Funding period
3/25/15 - 4/24/15
Until end of June 2015
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
25,000 €
Social Business
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First Week - What a start!

Anna Laesser
Anna Laesser1 min Lesezeit

What a start!

We’re on our first week of crowdfunding. It's been a crazy start, with so many things going on. Our adventure began on Wednesday 25th, when we kicked-off the campaign with a Launching-LAN Party. In Wall Street style, we watched how our collective buzz creates momentum and pushes up our funding numbers.
The results were spectacular: 2.500€ by the end of the first day and, 5.000€ by the third. With our Weekend Perks already sold-out, we couldn't have hoped for better.

We want to send out an enormous THANK YOU to everyone out there who supported us. We are deeply grateful.

Now, we have to continue moving forward. In order to keep up the good dynamic, we need to double our reach. Help us by sharing our story with your networks. We've learned that personal messages are the most effective. We're super positive about this!

Let's make it happen together!

Legal notice
Impact Hub Berlin GmbH
Nele Kapretz
Nostitzstr. 20
10961 Berlin Germany

authorized representatives: Leon Reiner, Nele Kapretz
VAT ID DE291050119
HRB 148130 B Amstgericht Charlottenburg

Impact Hub Berlin
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